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Carbot nails the Open Bnet Diablo 1/2 situation - Printable Version

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Carbot nails the Open Bnet Diablo 1/2 situation - Lissa - 10-17-2021

RE: Carbot nails the Open Bnet Diablo 1/2 situation - Bolty - 02-06-2022

Thread necro!

Carbot's animations are always top-tier, but for some reason this one had me just rolling.  Maybe it's the music.

RE: Carbot nails the Open Bnet Diablo 1/2 situation - Bolty - 04-01-2023

Thread necro....necro?

Carbot rules.

RE: Carbot nails the Open Bnet Diablo 1/2 situation - Archon_Wing - 04-08-2023

Almost all of Carbot's animations have been gold, because things are funny when they're actually true.

Also D2R was on sale so time to necro the whole game. Wink