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How far (if at all) can you script things? - Printable Version

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How far (if at all) can you script things? - Alrin - 01-11-2005

Say, for instance... is it possible to parse a string and have a script reverse the order of the letters? I know, this is hardly placed in the useful-stuff category of utilities, but would it be possible?

ie, "/reverse Hello world!" would end up as "!dlrow olleH"

I heard and read a little about ui customization and scripting but would this be possible?

If it would be possible, that'd be ... :shuriken:

Alrin, lurking away until Wow EU retail release :whistling:

How far (if at all) can you script things? - Olon97 - 01-13-2005

Here's a list of the potentially available Blizzard designed global functions: wow wikki.

The general math, string, and table functions from LUA script API should be usable.

For string manipulation, try the following functions:

example: strchar("1234567",6) == "7"

example: strfind("abcdefcd","cd", 5) == 6

example: strlen("1234567") == 7

example: strlower("MyMixedCase") == "mymixedcase"

strsub(string, beginindex, endindex)
example: strsub("abcDef",2,4) == "cD"

example: strupper("mYmiXEDcase") == "MYMIXEDCASE"

after you get the basic lua script infrastructre in (see the walkthrough stickied on the official UI forum), add the following function to barebones script.

function reverse(msg)
  myLength = strlen(msg);
  myString = "";
  myChar = "";
  myCounter = 0;

  if (msg) then
     -- fill myString with reversed text from the input msg
     for myCounter = 1, myLength do
        myChar = strsub(msg, (myLength - myCounter), (myLength - myCounter + 1));
        myString = (myString .. myChar);
  ChatFrame:AddMessage("the reverse of your message is: " .. myString);
  return( myString );

then from chat type:
"/script reverse(Hello World!)"

You could also add a slashcommand handler so it could be "/reverse Hello World!".

local function mySlashCommandHandler(msg)
  if (msg) then
     ChatFrame:AddMessage("correct use: /reverse YourTextHere");
(still stuck at work)

How far (if at all) can you script things? - Alrin - 01-13-2005

*surfer voice*

Whoooahhh duuuuude. :blink:

Faaar out, man!

Thanks a million. Let's hope wow will allow this kind of scripting.

Cheers, thanks.