Tracking Item changes
So good old MMO Champion has pretty much all the new TBC items in it, but I've not seen any place that does a nice list of what has changed on the items. I figured we could use this thread for folks to help compile that data on stuff they are interested in.

I'll poke at some of the hunter (and other random) stuff but I'll gladly edit other stuff into this post if people like (and do the work), hence the formatting.

I'll add more stuff later.

Tier 4 Armor
  • Gloves - +3 agi, +5 stam, +3 int, +6 AP, +1 MP/5, +55 armor<>
  • Helm - +4 agi, +6 stam, +4 int, +10 AP, +88 armor<>
  • Legs - +4 agi, +6 stam, +4 int, +3 hit rating, +8 AP, +77 armor<>
  • Chest - +4 agi, +6 stam, +3 int, +8 AP, +1 MP/5, +72 armor<>
  • Shoulders - +4 stam, +3 int, +3 crit rating, +6 AP, +1 MP/5, +66 armor<>
  • Set - +15 agi, +27 stam, +17 int, +38 AP, +3 hit rating, +3 crit rating, +2 MP/5, +358 armor<>
    [st]Tier 5 Armor
    • Gloves - +34 agi, +11 stam, -9 int, +10 hit rating, +10 AP, -23 crit rating, +55 armor<>
    • Helm - +9 agi, +9 stam, +5 int, YM 6 stam (was RM 8 AP), +20 AP, +5 MP/5, +72 armor<>
    • Legs - +4 agi, +6 stam, +4 int, +4 hit rating, +6 AP, +1 MP/5, +77 armor<>
    • Chest - +14 agi, +19 stam, -6 int, BYY 4 agi (was RRY 2 MP/5), +19 hit rating, +30 AP, -1 MP/5, +88 armor <>
    • Shoulders - +4 agi, +8 stam, +3 int, RR 4 stam (was RR 3 hit), +4 hit rating, +10 AP, +66 armor<>
    • Set - +65 agi, +53 stam, -3 int, +37 hit rating, -23 crit rating, +76 AP, +5 MP/5, +358 armor
      Sockets: 3Y, 2R, 1B, 1M, 10 stam, 4 agi. Was: 5R, 1Y, 1M, 8AP, 2MP/5, 3 hit<>
      [st]Karazhan Loot
      • Stalker's War Bands - +2 agi, +3 stam, +2 int, +4 AP, +44 armor<>
      • Worgen Claw Necklace - +2 agi, +3 stam, +2 hit rating, +4 AP<>
      • Steelhawk Crossbow - +11 - 19 damage (5.3 DPS), +1 hit rating, +2 AP<>
        • Emerald Ripper - +9 - 13 damage (+6.1 DPS), +2 agi, +3 stam, +4 AP<>
          [st]Maiden of Virtue
          • Gloves of Quickening - +3 stam, +2 int, +2 crit rating, +6 AP, +63 armor<>
            [st]Opera Event
            • Beastmaw Pauldrons - +2 agi, +3 stam, +2 int, +6 AP, +1 MP/5, +76 armor<>
            • Romulo's Poison Vial (was Romeo's Poison Vial) - +35 hit rating, +22 - 32 more damage on the proc<>
            • Blade of the Unrequited - +8 - 14 damage (6.3 DPS), +3 stam, +2 crit rating, +4 AP<>
            • Big Bad Wolf's Paw - +11 - 21 damage (6.4 DPS), +2 agi, +2 stam, +2 crit rating<>
            • Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle - +10 - 19 damage (5.4 DPS), +1 agi, +2 AP<>
            • Legacy - +24 - 35 damage (8.4 DPS), +6 stam, -36 int, +40 agi, +8 AP, +1 MP/5<>
              • Garona's Signet Ring - +2 agi, +3 stam, +2 hit rating, +4 AP<>
                [st]Terestian Illhoof
                • Girdle of the Prowler - +2 agi, +3 stam, +2 int, +2 hit rating, +4 AP, +1 MP/5<>
                  [st]Shade of Aran
                  • Drape of the Dark Reavers - +2 agi, +3 stam, +2 hit rating, +4 AP, +12 armor<>
                  • Steelspine Faceguard - +4 agi, +4 stam, +3 int, +6 AP, +1 MP/5, +82 armor<>
                  • Saberclaw Talisman - +2 agi, +3 stam, +6 AP<>
                    • Rip-Flayer Leggings - +6 crit rating, +12 AP, +89 armor<>
                    • Spiteblade - +12 - 23 damage (6.5 DPS), +2 agi, +3 stam, +4 AP<>
                      • Gorehowl - +24 - 35 damage (8.2 DPS), +5 Str, +6 agi, +9 stam<>
                      • Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix - +12 - 22 damage (5.9 DPS), +3 agi, +4 AP<>
                      • Ring of a Thousand Marks - +3 stam, +3 hit rating, +3 crit rating, +4 AP<>
                      • Farstrider Wildercloak - +6 stam, +8 AP, +12 armor<>
                        • Scaled Breastplate of Carnage - +6 stam, +3 int, +3 crit rating, +8 AP, +1 MP/5, +102 armor<>
                        • Ferocius Swift-Kickers - +3 stam, +2 int, +3 crit rating, +6 AP<>
                          [st]Chess Event
                          • Fiend Slayer Boots - +3 agi, +3 stam, +2 int, +2 hit rating, +4 AP<>
                            [st]Trash Mobs
                            • Belt of the Tracker - +12 AP, +58 armor<>
                              Ebon Netherscale
                              • Belt - +3 stam, +1 int, +2 crit rating, +4 AP, +1 MP/5, +39 armor<>
                              • Bracers - +1 stam, +1 int, +2 crit rating, +4 AP<>
                              • Chest - +6 stam, +4 int, +4 crit rating, +8 AP, +102 armor<>
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Tracking Item changes - by Kevin - 05-08-2007, 04:21 PM
Tracking Item changes - by vor_lord - 05-08-2007, 04:43 PM
Tracking Item changes - by WimpySmurf - 05-08-2007, 04:47 PM
Tracking Item changes - by vor_lord - 05-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Tracking Item changes - by Concillian - 05-08-2007, 05:38 PM
Tracking Item changes - by Quark - 05-08-2007, 06:33 PM
Tracking Item changes - by Tal - 05-08-2007, 06:37 PM

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