[split] Stormrage Lurker Guild Discussion - Formerly known as Cat Beta

(07-23-2010, 01:42 PM)Tal Wrote: Off topic posts split off. Have at me.

I hate to see this bickering within a group of people who have so much more in common than they have differences. I guess it's human nature to stress the divisive issues and ignore the unifying ones.

I don't think there is any fault to be assigned to anyone. No one has gone out to insult or disrespect anyone else. Different people have different opinions, and the modern 'philosophy' is to polarize and demonize. I would have hoped that the Lurker ideal was a bit higher than that. Perhaps it is, and a few folk just lost track for a moment.

Perhaps what is happening is inevitable. I'm only familiar with one other case, AoH years ago when EQ (IIRC) came out. A feud started between those who felt the EQ AoH players (many of whom had never even seen the website) were the 'true' AoH and those who thought only the people who actually participated in the guild were the true AoH. When the dust settled, many of each, and some in the middle (myself included) were gone.

Perhaps it is inevitable, but I hope not. This site is more than a collection of people who play the same game. It is a collection of above average people who share gaming as a hobby, who take gaming seriously and are willing to take the time and trouble to analyzing and understanding the games they play. But above and beyond that, it is a site of people who are willing to discuss many topics, rationally and for the most part politely.

Perhaps it is the nature of the beast, perhaps it is a change in the people, but there was a time when you could spot a Lurker because s/he was doing strange things, trying strange tactics, and playing with strange builds, all out of curiosity. Now, there is no noticeable difference between a Lurker and any other player. That's not bad, that's not good, it's just changed. Some regret the change. I do. But the way others play has no bearing on how I play. And that seems to have been lost in the fury.

I will not venture a guess why Bolty started all this so long ago in D1 days. But I will say that it has always been a refuge from the inevitable bickering of guild fora. When the Lurkers guilds were set up during the WoW beta, I did not voice my objection because I thought they would have been temporary. Had I been around when the game went gold, I would have been worried about Lurker guilds, for the guilds and the site were overlapping entities, neither containing the other. And it was that precise situation which caused the problem long ago in AoH and is causing the same problem here.

I have no solution to offer other than tolerance for how others play and respect for those who were once (and may again be) your friends.


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RE: [split] Stormrage Lurker Guild Discussion - Formerly known as Cat Beta - by --Pete - 07-23-2010, 05:44 PM

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