How are you guys becoming filthy rich?

(06-19-2011, 03:09 AM)DeeBye Wrote: That's incredible. I love it.

It was fun, starting with the few copper that the initial character could get from selling bound gear and auctioning the rest. It took a while (and careful micromanagement) to get started, then it took off. Finally, when she was buying nearly all the bargains available each day, the rate of growth dropped to zero and she was getting about the same income per day. At that point, I started experimenting with the parameters in Auctioneer. Going after "riskier" investments, going after safe but low return investments, etc. I found no statistically significant improvements, and a few really clever ways to make a small fortune from a big one. At that point, the experiment was done and became boring. I cashed out, went out into the wilderness, and gave it all to the first character that honestly offered to team with me -- talk about surprise Smile

(06-19-2011, 03:09 AM)DeeBye Wrote: I'm having a lot more fun with the financial side of WoW right now than the "real game".

My "new" machine still isn't together -- and it will consist of 6 year old components (at least) when I finish it. The laptop I'm posting from was so-so for playing the game at first, and became less capable with each patch. It got to the point that I could not do anything that required rapid response (e.g., fight) and about all that was left was going around talking to NPCs, BSing on the chat channels, and banking (oh, yeah, and watching for white kittens to spawn).

With the release of the latest expansion, I can't even install WoW. My interest in playing is relatively low, not nearly enough to drive me to go downstairs (and the major effort -- really -- of coming back up) to finish my computer.

(06-19-2011, 03:09 AM)DeeBye Wrote: I usually post 150-300 items per day, and it's rare that an item is priced above 100g (10-20g is average). My mailbox gets a huge workout.

Yeah. The most important thing for a banker is the biggest bags she (for some reason, all my bankers have been female) can get. The addition of mailboxes near the AH as the game kept getting patched made it easier to play the AH. I posted about 1,000 items a day for each of 4 to 6 bankers. It's amazing how little things really add up at those volumes. That was about 50 trips from the AH to the mailbox and back.

(06-19-2011, 03:09 AM)DeeBye Wrote: Here's a screenshot of my main's Wealth statistics page.

Is that now part of the game or is it an add on? Good info, but what's the deal with the "-" on a couple of lines? Does WoW let you run a credit line now? Or is that just another endearing Blizzard feature ("We intentionally broke this interface just to let you know you've done yet another thing we never considered.")


EDIT: It looks like that is a combination of two mistakes.

The first, perhaps understandable, is using a 32 bit quantity to track wealth in copper (really, the whole copper, silver, gold thing is stupid without interesting ratios -- say 12 pence copper to a shilling silver and 21 silver to a guinea gold. Just some random ratios I made up on the spur of the moment.)

The second, less understandable, is using a signed variable for what is always going to be a positive quantity. Yet another example of the MadddSkilz of Blizzard's programmers.

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Messages In This Thread
RE: How are you guys becoming filthy rich? - by dotonir - 06-11-2011, 06:48 PM
"How I Did It" -- Pyotr Bankensteen - by --Pete - 06-18-2011, 08:08 PM
RE: "How I Did It" -- Pyotr Bankensteen - by --Pete - 06-19-2011, 05:14 AM

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