This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke
WBC is indeed a hate group. They are a hate group stuck in the mentality of some of the early / mid 80's radical churches who also did things like bomb abortion clinics, and assault and kill homosexuals.

My father was an associate pastor in a 'radical' church in the 80's, and I saw a lot of that craziness first hand as a kid. Looking at my dad now, it blows my mind that he was ever sucked into that type of church. But then I realize that men like Fred Phelps are conniving, deceitful, charismatic, and above all else, incredibly dangerous men. What they do is brainwashing. Hands down, and they are master "proof texters" of the bible, often pulling small bits of odd scripture from archaic old testament books to back up their point, and then cover it in more excerpts from the New Testament which, when looked at without the rest of the text, seems to back up their point.

Fred Phelps should be arrested and tried for what he has done. I'm torn on how I feel about those who follow him. Most of them are family, which makes me wonder how long the brainwashing has been going on, and how many of them are still there out of fear.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright

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RE: This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke - by shoju - 10-06-2011, 01:52 PM

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