I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-30-2012, 07:12 PM)kandrathe Wrote: Here is what I found;

Thanks for the link. I didn't know that the Swiss model is based on the US one. They also appear to have recently rejected by referendum a repealment of some of their gun rights.

According to wiki, they also require a permit to carry firearms other than their government-issued military rifle. I think there's room for compromise between the 2nd amendment and gun control arguments.

Quote:I'm not sure I grasp the argument you are making. So, if insect repellent is not very effective in preventing mosquito bites I should go without it? In your post apocalyptic scenario, if the choice is to face down the tank naked, or with a pistol and a Molotov, I'd choose the later. I'd most likely die either way. At least until the tanks get to my house I can repel the looters.

Eppie's essentially correct in his summary of my logic. Small arms ownership no longer exercises any significant deterrent effect on the government, as the Constitution envisions. Therefore, it shouldn't remain a sacred cow on that basis alone.

The argument can be made that increased control of gun ownership is an unacceptable loss of freedom - in fact, that's how the subject got brought up in this thread. However, I don't believe argumentation purely based on the 2nd amendment can be made in good faith, considering (relatively) bipartisan support for the restriction of RPGs and other weapons that COULD exercise a "citizen militia" effect. We've already breached the original intent of the founders with such controls.

Actually, the article you cited sums up my views quite well at its conclusion.

Quote:Whether the armed citizen is relevant to late-twentieth-century American life is something that only the American people--through the Supreme Court, their state legislatures, and Congress--can decide. Those who advocate some measure of gun control are not without powerful arguments to advance on behalf of their position. The appalling and unforeseen destructive capability of modern weapons, the dissolving of the connection between an armed citizenry and the agrarian setting that figured so importantly in the thought of the revolutionary generation, the distinction between the right to keep arms and such measures as "registration," the general recognition of the responsibility of succeeding generations to modify the constitutional inheritance to meet new conditions--all will be serviceable in the ongoing debate.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by Pantalaimon - 03-30-2012, 08:29 PM

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