I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-31-2012, 03:22 AM)DeeBye Wrote: Fully automatic guns, sawed-off shotguns, guns with silencers, and basically all the scary guns - are completely illegal.

I cannot legally own a AK-47 or Bazooka. My government is trampling my rights Angry

Those are all illegal here, too, and have been for some time. And you won't see me agitating for them to be legal for non-military/law enforcement users anytime soon. Oh, sure, you'll find those who *do* want that, but, those are generally edge cases, sometimes over-publicized, but not as large in numbers as some would like you to think.

However, when something as innocent as a semi-automatic (i.e. pull the trigger and shoot) .243 hunting rifle with a max magazine capacity of five is caught under the umbrella of 'assault rifle' by some proposed gun control laws, I think that's too far. It's just a hunting rifle that you don't have to run the bolt on every shot, but, you're not going to use just five bullets to do a massacre, and if the user is going to shoot one person, one bullet will do the job, especially a hollow-point from a high-velocity hunting rifle. Also, in DC, they had a complete ban of any handguns, since ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. My point about the hunting rifle is that if you take away everything someone can kill another with, you might as well take away the paring knives, the axes, and the car keys, too, because those can also be mis-used. It's not about safety when you get down to that level. It's about controlling people.

That's the kind of gun control cases I'm talking about. And, as I mentioned above, we already have laws about the big stuff. Gun control proponents do their best to omit mention of that when they're pushing their pet programs, though. Big Grin


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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by Mavfin - 03-31-2012, 04:29 AM

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