What has happened to the US Attorney's Office?
It's frustrating to sit and watch. I'm not one who is normally going to say "Stop spending my tax money on that!" because I just don't keep up on any single "current event" enough to have a detailed opinion to say there is a better way to do it. I like to read, and think about lots of things, so I know a little about a lot Smile

But this... This has been gnawing at me. I have to believe that only sports fans who pretend to be ostriches think that Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens are innocent. Do I think that what they did was illegal? Yes. Do I think that they lied? Yes. Do I think that they have a chance in getting them convicted? No Way. It just isn't feasible. And what is the end game of that? Prison Time? Probation? Fines?

These guys earned $100+ MILLION dollars. There is no Fine that will take that away, there is no way that without a prior record, they are going to see prolonged jail time.

Then, when I saw the Edwards trial results, I was just stunned. They had made this a huge case, and lost.

I'm not saying I think "white collar" crime like what was alleged of Edwards campaign monies, or the lies of Athletes to congress should go unpunished. But, I guess its the parent in me saying "pick your battles".
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright

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RE: What has happened to the US Attorney's Office? - by shoju - 06-01-2012, 09:40 PM

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