US Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Health Care Act
(07-05-2012, 06:12 PM)kandrathe Wrote: There are many on my list. But, I believe my *real* peeve is our tolerance for vulgarity in general. I didn't want to come across as a prig, so I'll link to an article which better describes my train of thinking.

Count me among the "chorus from the liberal intelligentsia" who says it's just freedom of speech, and anyone opposed is a prude or a fascist. Freedom of speech means the freedom to say things other people find uncomfortable to hear, or it means nothing at all. The notion that he only recently found Rush Limbaugh to have, just maybe, stepped over the line in calling Sandra Fluke a slut (She was, of course, and needed to be put in her place! But he shouldn't have used the S-word, because that makes baby Jesus cry, and makes white people blacker, and whatever other racist, reactionary nonsense Murray is arguing...) Oh, and blargety blarg Janeane Garofalo.

Does this *really* reflect your train of thinking?

Quote:It raves a bit too much against liberalism.

It's a reading from Charles "Bell Curve" Murray...


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RE: US Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Health Care Act - by Jester - 07-06-2012, 12:10 AM

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