The Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object
After taking a break because I was distracted by some other games and then my wizard, I came back and finished pushing through inferno with my very defensive build. Spoiler warning - there are some details about the Act 3-4 Inferno boss fights.

This was my typical build. With that my buffed stats were 1061 physical resist, 860 resist all, 10.8K armor, 49.7K life, 984 life on hit, and a mere 9339 listed dps, although Berserker Rage makes that a little less pathetic. My weapon had 657 base dps, with 848 life on hit. From my notes I spent a little less than 5M on the AH, and most of that was shortly after patch 1.3 when things were more expensive than they are now.

I started out with a higher dps weapon without any life on hit. I'm able to handle about 1/2 to 1/3 of the packs, although it is rather tedious with the low dps. Enrage timers aren't really a problem, you just have to kill something to make progress before you reset it. Anyway, I decided that I wanted to beat act 3 and not farm it, so I mostly skipped things. Leap + Charge really let me run past things well, especially since charging in to a bunch of regular mobs refilled my health.

Ghom was a brick wall for me. I couldn't keep up with the poison damage. I had unlimited rage, but couldn't make good enough use of it. I gave up and consulted the internet. Overpower with Crushing Advance reflects all incoming damage for 4 secs. This counts for Life on Hit, and the poison ticks so fast that this fully healed me with my shiny new Life on Hit weapon. With a full heal every 15 seconds or less the fight became much more manageable. I don't think I would have realized this on my own.

Leap, leap, leap, and here is Siegebreaker. He was a problem for me solo, as it was a difficult balance to have enough defenses and enough dps. I probably could have balanced this, but it turns out a mage friend wanted to play with me at this time and he easily killed him while I tanked. The two of us were stuck on Cydea and it was at this point that I took a long break from progression.

When my mage found a good melee ring I came back to it this weekend. I had been playing around with the tornado build in act 1-2 as well, and was prepared to try it. However I found that my old standby build worked fine. There start to be a lot of spiderlings and they increase damage, but they couldn't kill me before I would get a revenge off and leap and charge let me keep engaged on Cydea. I then one shot everything up to Diablo, although one of the fights was very close as there must have been some enrage that increased the damage and I was slowly dying when I got the kill with just a tiny bit of health left.

Diablo was more tricky. I couldn't manage my shadow clone and the shadow realm. I tried the tornado build, but he kept on putting down the aoe fire thing and I couldn't get it to work. Finally the internet rescued me again, when I read that you could just kite the shadow clones and wait for them to despawn. Back to leap and charge. These were useful since there were some scary moments when it got me with ancient spear. Also because I'm not good enough to avoid every bone cage, and a quick leap to the fountain was very useful. I'm sure leap + charge isn't optimal for that fight, but it was what I'm used to and compensated for some skill deficiencies.

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RE: The Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object - by ErickTheRed - 08-07-2012, 04:26 PM

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