Well... I did it, i quit wow cold turkey
(08-16-2012, 03:54 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(08-15-2012, 04:29 PM)shoju Wrote: Because, I was posting in a thread about the reasons that I, and the OP are done with WoW?
Carry on then. I assume you played the Beta enough to have experience, not just impressions. What else do you hate?

I have a beta invite, but I didn't enjoy my time in the beta for cata. It was plagued with problems related to my GPU, and I only got to play for a few weeks.

Then I felt that any criticism that Blizzard was given about Holy Power was given the old "No, no.... We know what we are doing".

Honestly, Mists of Pandaria just doesn't do it for me, which is pretty crazy. I'm a lover of many things ancient and asian in theme. My name (Shoju Screenname and Onisu DK Name) comes from (IMO) the greatest fuedal Asian property out there.

The problem with MOP for me is all encompassing.

The Pandaren as a race just don't interest me. Model looks aside, I'm just not interested in playing a big ol' panda bear. I will say, that allowing them to be either horde or alliance, is something that I had postulated about over on Maintankadin when discussing new races even before Cataclysm, when I was hoping that the worgen would have been a class, not a race, and would get that treatment at the end of their starting zone.

Then came the models, which to me, just don't "fit" in WoW. They look too cartoony for me. They look more like they belong on Dreamworks/Nickelodeon's Kung Fu Panda, than in World of Warcraft. I get it, It's not targeted at me. I understand it, I just don't like it.

I LOVE THE IDEA of Active Mitigation. It was what drew me to my DK when I realized that I just want to vomit at the idea of Holy Power. Controlling what I did, having so many cooldowns meant a lot to me. I also feel like the Death Knight tank is similar to Cat DPS. The difference between a bad DK tank and an OK Dk tank is huge. The difference between either of them, and a good or even great dk tank, is even bigger. I would consider myself a "good" dk tank. Great DK tanks are the guys who make videos soloing things that I wiped to (Mionelol / Raegwynn are examples of great.)

The problem with the new tanking model, is that threat is a joke. I will never forget the first time I went into H:MGT with Lurkers, and Glaur commented over Mumble about how I held threat REALLY well, considering I was a tier of gear+ behind the rest of the guild. That meant a lot to me to hear. I studied, HARD on how to ride that line between threat and survival. I prided myself on the DPS parses, when my DPS were pulling great numbers, and not dying. That meant I was doing a damn good job as a tank.

Now, with the loss of threat as a viable mechanic, I was getting bored. On Heroic Morchok, one of the few fights I tanked in Dragon Soul, I spent more and more time focusing on taking less damage, and waiting for that "perfect moment" to Death Strike, delaying my attacks. While that is "cool" and it was fun, part of me lamented that if this would have been Pre-4.2, I could never have delayed my skills like that. Xarhud would have ripped aggro.

Vengeance was an interesting idea towards threat, and making tank DPS not LOLable. I liked it. But when they changed it in 4.2, I felt like it went too far. Threat was no longer an issue. Things just "came to me" because I was angry and threw down a DnD. Playing the survival game, and the threat game felt good.

I'm going to warn you now. I'm about to drop some profanity.

The first time I read about the pet battles, I was on Mumble with Sherck, and a few others. I said: "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I know that not all the devs work on the same things interchangably, but I'm pretty sure I could have found other things to improve in this game that the devs that are working on pet battles could have been working on, instead of putting them on integrating pokemon into wow. I thought it was a joke at first. I really, REALLY hate the idea of pet battles.

The new Rep Grinds
I hated the rep grinds in TBC. I was elated when tabard reps were introduced in WotLK (guess which rep in WOTLK I never got to exalted? I'll give you a hint: There's no tabard, and you don't need it for raiding, or mounts) . I hated the Aldor/Scryer grind. I hated the Sons of Hodir Grind, and I wanted to drop a nuke on the entire zone of deepholm. WORST. GRINDS. EVER Going to a system where that is going to be closer to the norm than the tabards? No Thanks.

The casualization of raiding
LFR and the RDF / LFG tool are the best, and worst things to ever happen to WoW IMO. They killed Server communities, but made the game more accessible to more people. The problem is, we found out that the WoW population turns into mouth breathing booger eaters who want to throw obscenities at each other when given anonymity (yes, I realize there is some irony in that last sentence).

I hate LFR. I burnt out in it, I hate that it's 25 man. I don't like 25 man raiding. I wouldn't have lasted as long in the game had I been stuck in 25m raiding. I hate that it took the brain deadness of LFG, and brought it to 20 more people. Large groups of people = more anonymity = more douchebaggery.

This also means I hate the progressive nerfs. I also understand that it would have taken away content from me. I wouldn't have seen "heroic Mode" I don't care. I would have felt more accomplished with what I did complete, as opposed to "Just wait, they are going to make it easier, and then we'll get it". That isn't fun. That isn't the reason I play a video game. I don't play a video game so that one group of people can beat it, and then make it easier so that I can beat it. I can either beat it, or I can't. If I can't, I don't need it.

I also hate "heroic mode" but that's another topic, and not strictly MoP related.

The setup of the story this time around
They are trying something different. Maybe it works. Maybe it doesn't. Personally, I don't care for the direction of "the first tier is the end of the box game", and then we move on. I don't care that we are going to fight Garrosh, and I can't stand him!

I started playing WoW because I saw the Black Temple trailer video at Kaine's house. I WANTED TO KILL HIM. I wanted to kill Arthas. I wanted to kill DW (more so than most people). I wanted, craved, and desired that... "big bad guy".

Putting the "war" back in warcraft.
I don't care. I don't care about the alliance. I don't want to fight the alliance. If you look at the total of my non "twink" toon kills (Yes, I have a 19 twink hunter that I've had since TBC) I have less than 1500 HK's, and most of those came while on a PvP server in BC. I just don't care for the pvp aspect. I don't care about the "War" between the two factions. I play horde because I like the races more. I play Horde because my friends played horde when I started. Not because I truly care about the war. I didn't play the RTS's, so I'm not that invested in it.

That's my list of "Late Cata" / MoP dislikes. There are more things, but those were the things that were "major announcements" that I just sort of... /yawned at best at.

As you can see, most of it, is just the fact that the game doesn't align with my vision of fun anymore.
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RE: Well... I did it, i quit wow cold turkey - by shoju - 08-16-2012, 04:53 PM

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