Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
I scored a 4L +2 Minion Helm for 1 Regal in the trade forums.

reqs lvl53.
75 ES Pre-Scraps
+2 minion
+14 INT
+14 ES
+14 Chaos Res
12% IIQ
3 thorns

It's not "amazing", but it's +2 minion, and it was a statistical upgrade over my previous 3L helm.

And I got my Unique Boots (a gift, that I LOVE) to go 4s. Now, I just need to get the Sockets to 4L.
One I get it to 4L, then I will have 4l on head, chest, gloves, and boots.

I'm fairly pleased with my Summoner right now. Nearing 1K mana, I have 1500 HP, and 1K ES with the Aura Up. I'm fairly consistently running Discipline, Clarity, and Wrath. Though, I've thought about swapping the ES Aura for Vitality, since my ES without it is still 800+, and I think Vitality > ES for my Zombies survival.

I've been thinking about a new build that I would like to try. I'm not sure if I want to go with a witch or a templar. I like the easy resists and ele damage bonuses in the templar area, but I like the ES in the Witch Area.

I'm thinking Righteous Fire, linking it with Power Charge on Crit, Life Gain on Hit, Life Leech, and Fire Pen for sure.

Leap Slam (purely for mobility)
Run Flammability
Enduring Cry
And then
Vitality (to keep the regen up)

The Idea would be to leap slam to targets, and Blow them up with RF. I'm not sure if It's a viable build, or if it is what everyone else is doing with RF, but I have long stared at RF, and wanted a way to make it interesting.
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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 04-19-2013, 04:50 PM

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