Diablo Backwards Compatibility Guide
(03-10-2014, 02:49 AM)Slayer_X64 Wrote: Ah great!!! Im glad you figured it out!!!

Anyways as for the windows8 thing, I would personally say hold off on that until windows7 kicks the can unless you have a WORK related need that requires you to upgrade. Infact upgrading to windows8 for Diablo will have the opposite effect that you desire, since It can barely even run do to a combination of the issue you are already experiencing, driver support, and thhe way the windows8 desktop handles itself.

As for the stability thing, all you can really do in that case is experiment with the resolution settings, fullscreen vs windowed, and vsync until you find a stable combination. also MAKE SURE you run Diablo on a single core only, or it will crash almost instantly. you can do that by taking a command from the batch file i wrote above:

start /affinity 0 Diablo.exe

The issue isnt really dominant in vanilla diablo - rather the game will slowly degrade in stability on multiple cores until eventually faulting itself. But methhod technically applies a high res mod to fix the problem, which for some reason exaggerates the fault problem. This is why it is so important to make sure you run Diablo in a single core.

I believe the game does suffer from some minor stability issues in windowed mode regardless though - but I will test some settings out and tell you how it works. If nothing else, I can work out how to use dxwnd and see if that will work for you.

And yeah streaming Diablo sucks fullscreen. The only program I've ever even managed to record it with on windows was fraps. On linux and mac the issue of recording is easier since WINE doesnt draw diablo directly to the desktop, so normal recording programs can just capture the "window and record that way. But they also have issues of their own to overcome.

Well, as long as the crashing keeps to a minimum in windowed mode, it'll be alright. If it gets too annoying, I'll just use my capture card and capture the whole monitor while playing in fullscreen, or go back to running the game in an XP VM.

Anyway, again, thanks for all the assistance.

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