US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
(07-06-2015, 07:17 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(07-06-2015, 12:54 PM)Bolty Wrote: ...

Since polls show that the majority of Americans now actually support gay marriage*, the Republicans stood to lose out by continuing to make it a high-priority issue. Now they can drop it.

*citation needed but I'm too lazy

Argh. Republicans.... Now, if only...
  • Promote Immigration - we need more hard working smart people.
  • Decriminalize drug use - drug users are victims of drug sellers
  • Promote cost effective clean energy - why not?
  • Stop warmongering...
  • Drop the whole push for Voter ID - yes, stop fraud, maybe automate past punched cards
  • Fix Obamacare - stop trying to repeal it.
I'm sure I could think of more...

More of a southern red neck issue, but;

** Enough with the Confederate flags - it is a symbol of an age of slavery. Yes, you have the right to wave it, or a Nazi one, or whatever, but you also will be judged by what you are saying with that symbol.

This might be the first time EVER where I actually agree with a post of yours almost completely. I think most of the things you listed in the first part of your post is a pipe dream though, unfortunately. Especially in the case of drug use (with the exception of pot perhaps), I can't see their use being decriminalized in this country in the near future if ever - especially with for-profit prison systems in place.

Obama Care was indeed sabotaged, but it never went far enough to begin with imo.

No more war mongering? This is definitely a pipe dream under capitalism. War is far too profitable for many industries and the politicians that pander to them.

Clean energy is a great idea, but is it profitable? Sadly, probably not.

Agree 100% about the confederate flag issue also. These people may as well being flying a swastika around.

That being said, I still find your views toward working and unemployed people as being "parasites" to be abhorrent, to say the least. My anger at you in my last post has nothing to do with our difference in political views. You are obviously privileged, and would have much to lose if socialism was victorious which is why you reject it, and therefore by extension the Marxist framework. I can understand that - class relations are an objective thing. But that isn't what got me fired up - it was because of the lack of empathy you have expressed towards the poor in that comment you made, which made me furious. Poor and unemployed people are among the most oppressed, alienated, and discriminated against in our society, especially if they are women (and in particular single mothers), POC, or queer. Working class and unemployed members of the working class already have stressful, difficult, unhappy/unfulfilling and even miserable (in some situations) circumstances to begin with, without being classified in the dehumanizing narrative of them as parasites from their exploiters, who ironically are the parasites themselves.

@Leming, no, Kandrathe isn't the bigger "capitalist boogeyman" (and the fact you would even try to make a competition or comparison out of such a thing is kind of childish, don't you think?) - you didn't directly make a derogatory comment about unemployed/poor people, which is why you didn't face the same expression of anger from me. I don't really care if you think I am a crackpot or not - all I need do is watch capitalist historical development unfold and be proven correct time and again, as I (and Marxists in general) have been in the past. But putting that aside, I really couldn't care less if you are a liberal, even if I find them to be silly and utopian in general. Nor could I care less if you are republican, libertarian or even a fellow comrade. But when you make disparaging comments about the poor or any other oppressed group, yes, I am going to call you out on it, BIG time. Because that sort of thinking NEEDS to be critiqued and called out. If such stereotypes and myths go unchecked and unchallenged, they just continue to perpetuate themselves.

@Bolty - I didn't lose any argument, and in fact, I would venture to say that many of the comments in both Lem and Kan's posts only STRENGTHENED or confirmed my larger points. But, if you want to think otherwise, have it. As I said above, I need only to stand on the shoulders of capitalist history and watch it unfold.....Be as it may, Kandrathe's views toward poor and working people are pretty repugnant, and I called him out on it, simple as that. Because that sort of thing SHOULD be called out. You may not have liked the manner in which I did so, but the comment itself which I called him out on is far more detestable. Hell, if someone said such a thing to me in person, me and that person would probably be putting our knuckle game to the test!

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by FireIceTalon - 07-06-2015, 11:38 PM

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