Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish!
After a lot frustrating with shrine code tests I found out some important facts

1. Do NOT put two zeros in front of the address - e.g. do NOT replace "4901F8" by "004901F8". This probably happened usind CTRL+H (find and replace) while copying the code lines from notepad++ to excel and vice versa to make the line looking nice. Didn't notice it in the beginning which is the reason why the tests were a lot and frustrating.
2. Putting a #-character in front of a single code line inside a section for the purpose of deactivating that line seems to be a bad idea either.
Better either delete that line from the cowqueston.dat or make the line doing nothing by replacing (in the section below) "01 18" by "01 01",
3. After a code section's final "end" there should be a line break especially before the end of the file cowqueston.dat. Else at least PlugUlmo.log will note a nagging.

Finally here are the codes, sorted by offset:

start HF1.01 "Listed Shrines with '01 18' no longer appear"
4901F8 01 18                            # 01 - Mysterious Shrine    # exe: 8F1F8
4901F9 01 18                            # 02 - Hidden Shrine        # exe: 8F1F9
4901FA 01 18                            # 03 - Gloomy Shrine        # exe: 8F1FA
4901FB 01 18                            # 04 - Weird Shrine            # exe: 8F1FB
4901FC 01 18                            # 05 - Magical Shrine        # exe: 8F1FC
4901FD 01 18                            # 06 - Stone Shrine            # exe: 8F1FD
4901FE 01 18                            # 07 - Religious Shrine        # exe: 8F1FE
4901FF 01 18                            # 08 - Enchanted Shrine        # exe: 8F1FF
490200 01 18                            # 09 - Thaumaturgic Shrine    # exe: 8F200
490201 01 18                            # 10 - Fascinating Shrine    # exe: 8F201
490202 01 18                            # 11 - Cryptic Shrine        # exe: 8F202
490203 01 18                            # 12 - Magical Shrine        # exe: 8F203
490204 01 18                            # 13 - Eldritch Shrine        # exe: 8F204
490205 01 18                            # 14 - Eerie Shrine            # exe: 8F205
490206 01 18                            # 15 - Divine Shrine        # exe: 8F206
490207 01 18                            # 16 - Holy Shrine            # exe: 8F207
490208 01 18                            # 17 - Sacred Shrine        # exe: 8F208
490209 01 18                            # 18 - Spiritual Shrine        # exe: 8F209
49020A 01 18                            # 19 - Spooky Shrine        # exe: 8F20A
49020B 01 18                            # 20 - Abandoned Shrine        # exe: 8F20B
49020C 01 18                            # 21 - Creepy Shrine        # exe: 8F20C
49020D 01 18                            # 22 - Quiet Shrine            # exe: 8F20D
49020E 01 18                            # 23 - Secluded Shrine        # exe: 8F20E
49020F 01 18                            # 24 - Ornate Shrine        # exe: 8F20F
490210 01 18                            # 25 - Glimmering Shrine    # exe: 8F210
490211 01 18                            # 26 - Tainted Shrine        # exe: 8F211
490212 01 18                            # 27 - Oily Shrine            # exe: 8F212
490213 01 18                            # 28 - Glowing Shrine        # exe: 8F213
490214 01 18                            # 29 - Mendicant's Shrine    # exe: 8F214
490215 01 18                            # 30 - Sparkling Shrine        # exe: 8F215
490216 01 18                            # 31 - Town Shrine            # exe: 8F216
490217 01 18                            # 32 - Shimmering Shrine    # exe: 8F217
490218 01 18                            # 33 - Solar Shrine            # exe: 8F218
490219 01 18                            # 34 - Murphy's Shrine        # exe: 8F219

Important Notes:
- Any other shrine code section in cowqueston.dat should be deactivated when using this one
- Do not use the full section. It seems the game needs at least one type of shrine.
- For the desired shrine(s):
Either remove
or alter its code line(s) replacing "01 18" by "01 01",
- For some odd reason the Magical Shrine uses two code lines (05 & 12)
- So far, I tested the code section removing the line "08 - Enchanted Shrine" only - with success!
This is why:
Wearing his magic stuff gear, my barbarian's max magic is at 234 (235 is possible in theory, but I still don't have a +30 MAG amulet) which is not enough to learn all spell levels. While playing through the game 13 times with this char I experienced a lack of enchanted shrines, so he was stuck at apocalypse and blood star on spell level 7 each.
Pasting the code section above in my cowqueston.dat without the line "08 - Enchanted Shrine" before starting pass 14 made the game generating enchanted shrines only:
Seven (Goat) Shrines/Cauldrons would lower my Blood Star level while the other eight would increase it. By testing each Shrine, writing down the results and loading the safe state again I made out a smart order to acivate the shrines.
So I finally reached spell level 15 for all spells except for charged bolt (lvl 14) and inferno (lvl 13, but could read a book to reach lvl 14 too).
Actually I finished the classic dungeon levels and will move on Nest Levels 2 - 4 and the Crypt. In one of the next passes I hope to find a shrine that reduces the spell levels for Fire Bolt, Healing (both can be learned up to lvl 15 with my gear) or Guardian (as it can be increased in the bone chamber).
So hopefully this helps any barbarian (at least in single player) out there to reach spell level 15 on all spells.

Furthermore, after this char reached spell level 15 on all spells, I want to test and use the Hidden, Gloomy and Weird Shrine lines to improve the quality of my Unique Items collection.

[Edit (2019-06-20):]
After playing some games with my Sorceror (succesfully testing the codes for the Hidden Shrines) I thought it was time to go on with my Barbarian. No Shrines on D1 to D3 this time, found two goat Shrines on D4, but neither was helpful, so I reloaded the state before using these and moved on. On D5 a "normal" enchanted Shrine and a Goat Shrine: the latter would decrease my Healing spell level down to 13 (but increase Charged Bolt and Inferno up to 15), so I used it, equipped my magic gear and read two Books of Healing to finally have all spells on level 15.
So I saved, made a backup from the state, changed the Enchanted Shrine code line from "4901FF 01 01" back to "4901FF 01 18" while changing the Hidden Shrine code line from "4901F9 01 18" to "4901F9 01 01".
Back to D5 I found out that the unused Enchanted Shrine still would work while as a side effect for changing the code ingame, the walls that surrounded this shrine before now have been moved where the stairs to D6 have been. Those stairs are now close to the stairs leading to the town (which is next to the aforementioned shrine). [Edit (2019-07-04):]This happened only once this time. The next time I got into D5 it was normal. Also, I remember switching walls/stairs happened once some months ago.[/Edit (2019-07-04)]
Now the interesting news:
Back to D4, the unused Enchanted Goat Shrines have been transformed to Hidden Goat Shrines that I succesfully used (without changing any spell level, I checked twice...).
[/Edit (2019-06-20)]



Further Edits:
I altered the code line "# 02 - Hidden Shrine" replacing "01 18" by "01 01". So, as expected, any shrine in the game started after doing so was a hidden shrine (16 altogether).

My Sorcerer (Reflect and Search spells active) just killed Pigmaul Rentflesh using a Lighnting Dagger of Blood. He hit me right in or just before the moment when I killed him, so he dropped two magic Axes (dupes). You can pick up one of these instantly, but picking up the remaining one is only possible five or six seconds after. I saved right after the kill but before picking up the axes and backed the save state up for further investigation. (I can send it to you if you wish to.)

Nightmare, D8 - My Sorcerer, (Mana Shield, Reflect and Search spells active), maybe while standing in a acid pit, just killed an Acid Beast. Not only the beast double dropped a mace, but it died multiple times, each time dropping the same mace twice.

Also, on D7 I teleported into the yet closed Halls of the Blind where I casted some Lightning Walls to kill the yellow unseen. One of them survived and i was unable to kill him with melee. The only way to kill him was to stone curse him which made him die instantly. This happened so far to my sorceror only (while I played through the whole game about 50 times) and it happened two or three times in the actual game (once with a melee goat monster). It seems that in this case the monster does not take any more damage. Some kind of zombi monster.

Same game as mentioned above, D10. Mana Shield and Reflect were active, I "killed" Blackstorm, but somehow he stays alive like a zombi. He (or maybe a monster I killed before) dropped a unique small axe and is unable to move, moving the cursor above him seems to not detect him. If I step next or into him, he attacks me - each time he hits me I lose mana (Mana Shield active), he drops two more magic small axes and I gain a lot of EXP!
Treatment with my Maul of Blood does not seem to harm him, at least I do not gain the usual 1HP per hit. Stone cursing brings salvation at last.

Na-Krul double dropped his items again. Funny thing: He dropped two unique war staves with the same serial, but these are not identical:
A Storm Spire and a Rof of Onan is what he dropped.
Some minutes later Malignus also dropped two unique war staves: Naj's Puzzler and Immolator.
In the save state I have the four staves in my inventory right before putting these into the stash. Luckily I already have at least one of each unique staff, so I simply will use these in the next game.

Messages In This Thread
A5 progress update - by Belix - 02-02-2015, 09:28 AM
RE: Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish! - by Kunibert - 05-24-2019, 03:34 PM

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