Oblivion Knights
I need a better strategy for melee attacks against Oblivion Knights, most of the time there the only things that can kill me. The cursed Iron Maiden gets me at the worst times. (I use a Zealer alot).

I try to work around the guys that flank you while they hang back and work their curses but sometimes its not possible. I can be in the middle of a pack of DOom Knights and then they can it and not always able to just stop my attack. Its frustrating and they often keep me from doing baal runs and diablo runs, how nice of blizzard to put them on the top two boss areas. :wacko: :(

Of course they're never a problem for most of the other classes cause they can perform more ranged attacks.


Messages In This Thread
Oblivion Knights - by TheKingofKewl - 12-16-2005, 02:20 AM
Oblivion Knights - by Yogi_Baar - 12-16-2005, 08:41 AM

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