Oh Lawd with these pet problems...
Okay, with my usual Summer hiatus coming to a close, I'm trying to get back into WoW via the freebie account perk before actually dropping cash on game time. My main is a Hunter, so I'm trying a Warlock to see if the changes to pet combat would completely screw me over. They have.

Why the hell did Blizzard have to completely mess up pet combat? As if the disappearing pet bar wasn't enough (Still somewhat of a problem with Bartender 4), but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The minor problem would be that since Assist stance blows I've been keeping my pet in Defensive only to have it reset automatically to Assist whenever the pet levels. That's something I can live with. What I can't live with is the fact that pets won't attack until I start attacking; no matter how many times I hit Ctrl-1.

Yes, the pet attack button starts flashing to indicate that my pet should be charging at the enemy or tossing fireballs or whatever, but it just sits there doing nothing until I make the first move. Now who seriously thought this would be a good idea? As a Hunter, sometimes I want my pet to attack something first. Sometimes I want my pet to aggro a bunch of mobs before I actually open fire on them.

Now I suppose I could get around this by body-pulling with the pet, but oops! The Move command doesn't work. At all. The target reticule pops up, but once I click on the ground my pet just sits there and stares blankly at me as if it didn't understand what I wanted it to do.

And after a fair amount of prodding to get my pet to attack I realise it simply won't stop until either he or my target is dead. Pre 4.2 getting a pet to stop attacking was simple: Drop the pet down from Aggressive/Defensive to Passive, something I've done so often over the years I can do it automatically before the party gets wiped.

I thought this was just a Warlock issue, but a few minutes with a fresh Hunter character confirmed my fears that pets are utterly broken. Perusal of the forums and WoW Insider have told me that there's no real workaround other than weaving /pettattack into macros or occupying more actionbar buttons with /pettattack macros. I have a button on my UI that's supposed to do that; Ctrl-1 on the goddamn pet bar. It doesn't work.

I've never really been angry about the changes Blizzard have made to the game, but I really am angry about this one. I want someone fired over this. I want the person responsible for this simply asinine change fired. I don't care if if it's just a lowly intern on his first week of work or Ghostcrawler himself, I want that person fired live on stage at BlizzCon with the audience encouraged to throw rotten fruit at him.

Messages In This Thread
Oh Lawd with these pet problems... - by NiteFox - 08-24-2011, 09:57 AM
RE: Oh Lawd with these pet problems... - by Klaus - 08-24-2011, 03:22 PM
RE: Oh Lawd with these pet problems... - by Bolty - 08-24-2011, 04:56 PM
RE: Oh Lawd with these pet problems... - by shoju - 08-24-2011, 11:09 PM

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