Post 60-- There's No Joy in Victory
The WoW solution was to make quests experience rewards turn into extra gold rewards. The trouble with doing something like that in D3 is that there currently aren't enough gold sinks in the game, yet, so inflation is already starting to take root. The other issue is that the game allows one to repeat quests as many times as one wants, so if the rewards are too big, then people will keep redoing the quests over and over.

One way to make them significant is to make them a requirement to pass onto further content in Inferno only. That is, make it so that in Inferno, you really can't skip content to pass on to the higher levels -- and make it so that even in softcore, you can't resurrect during a "set piece" boss battle and you can't get credit if you die during the encounter. Thus, the reward for successfully completing the quest would be that you could move on to the next piece of content.

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RE: Post 60-- There's No Joy in Victory - by MongoJerry - 06-05-2012, 01:23 AM

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