Bourgeois economist basically admits that neo-classical economics is pseudoscience.
(11-04-2013, 05:45 PM)LemmingofGlory Wrote: Maybe you could collaborate with Studio Ghibli someday to make a "Grave of the Invisible Hand" about two orphaned children struggling to survive as their village is destroyed by neoclassical economics. I think neoclassical economics would be depicted as a pokemon sort of creature, maybe a ghost/psychic deceased Meowth. The story would need some delicate writing to ensure that tears will jerk in the right ways when you see the children trying to use scrounged change to buy things in an economic climate of runaway inflation while being unaware of the classism they experience as scavengers with no name, no house, and no honor. ;_;


The capitalist borgias elite would never let that happen. And 'collaborating' is a funny way to spell 'single handedly saving anime, animation in general, and humanity from itself'.

In any case Studio Ghibli is a hollow shell of it's former self, now that Mizayaki is retiring, again. I have it on good authority the real cause for the man's retirement was failed economic pseudo science propagated by neo classical economists. It's the absolute truth, though isn't it funny how no one would ever admit this empirical fact. Obviously, capitalism.

No, we must be more clever than the enemy we're fighting. We must redirect, and transform the weapons of the enemy into and unto itself.

I strongly suggest collaborating (and by that I mean blind them with the brilliance and modesty that can only be mustered by the truest of the true Komrade) with Kyoani Studio, instead of Studio Ghibli.

Kyoani is one of the, if not top studio when it comes to producing moe blob shows. Ie: Cute females doing cute stuff. A reboot and re-imagining of the 'magical girl' genre, that is far more deeper than it first seems, with a solid foundation of philosophical underpinning that will embarass, undermine, and defeat the evils of capitalism.

Basically, something like Sailormoon for the new millennium.

[Image: tumblr_mv5jvguVuS1r3f0pwo1_500.jpg]

That's just phase one, or Operation: Pacific Mango.

Phase two must also be initiated simultaneously or shortly thereafter. An updated old school saturday morning children cartoon staple, redone with the same brilliance and panache as above. Operation: Atlantica Anima.

[Image: smurfs-smurf-socialist-men-under-red-father-632bdb.jpg]

The neo-classical-cysts capitalists will quake in their child slave labor made boots. Marx my words.

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re - by Hammerskjold - 11-05-2013, 08:26 AM
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