So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it)
(12-11-2013, 12:58 AM)kandrathe Wrote: In reviewing the FOTF site, I only see they have a position on "counseling unwanted same-sex attractions".

Unwanted by whom? FOTF specifically mentions their opposition to California's ban on gay conversion therapy for minors. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that legislation is meant to prevent forced gay conversion therapy for youths. The same-sex attraction of the youth is unwanted by the parents, who then force their child into this therapy.

I equate this to parents who refuse to vaccinate their child, or seek whatever kind of "prayer therapy" instead of going to a doctor when their child is ill, are force-feeding their newborns vegan diets, or are throwing them into the pit to be Snake Handlers. I absolutely agree that parents have the right to raise their children and instill their values as they see fit, but once they start endangering their children's physical or mental health - someone has to step in and stop it.

edit: it's amazing how many "Donate" links are on that FOTF website

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RE: So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it) - by DeeBye - 12-11-2013, 03:58 AM

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