Wow! Trump's Comments Actually Shock Me!
(01-19-2018, 04:31 AM)FireIceTalon Wrote:
(01-19-2018, 02:42 AM)Archon_Wing Wrote: Hah, it's funny how overt his racism can get but there will still be people to rationalize it out. Suddenly, not being a racist becomes PC.... this is the cancer brought to you by the Alt-Right.

Hopefully we will survive these 4 years.

Yea, although this has really been an ongoing thing even before Trump came into office. I've explained several times here in the past how the right likes to use "political correctness" as a shield to justify their disgusting views or deflect blame onto those who call them out for said disgusting views. The whole narrative of political correctness to justify their views certainly has gained momentum since he was sworn in, to be sure. But make no mistake about it, I don't call these people the Alt-Right, I call them for what they actually are: which is nothing short of white nationalist scum. These are the people, ironically enough, who actually deserve to be deported - preferably off the entire planet, and permanently so.

When you are just talking about white nationalist scum you are accusing a whole group of people with very different levels of nationalism. Lots of blue collar workers who weren't represented by the democrats anymore.
These people will never change their mind when being accused.....this is the whole reason Trump supporters are still supporting him.
Far more dangerous (but of course largely overlapping) are the extremist christians. They embrace anyone who can help them ban abortion or the right of extremely ill people to end their live in peace or ...well anything that people should be able to decide by themselves but that christians would like to decide for them.

Trump is probably farthest away from what you could call a ''good christian''.....someone that would help the poor, be modest, not rude, doenst swear, stays with his first wife etc..... but just because he dangles the carrot in front of the christian extremists he gets their votes.

This is something that is not only happening in the US though. Everywhere leaders have understood that they can treat the religious extremists in this can tell them to pay 20% more tax as long as you tell them you hate the other religion or you will pass legislation that forces everyone to live like thise extremists and they vote for you.

His racial politics are by the way of least concern. What he does against science, the environment and his support of weapons and oil industry are by far worse than the fact that some people from some countries are not allowed to travel into the US anymore.

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RE: Wow! Trump's Comments Actually Shock Me! - by eppie - 01-20-2018, 07:20 AM

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