Lurker Lounge Podcast - Episode 1 is Live.
(04-28-2012, 03:56 AM)swirly Wrote: I've debated whether or not to post my experience with it, but figure it is probably useful to hear more than just people saying they loved it.

Thanks for your feedback. This is actually a multi-faceted issue. Some of it will undoubtably get better with time, but some of it will stay throughout future recordings.

You mention raid preperations. One of the major reasons that most raid preperations end up like that is because they often use Vent, Mumble, or Team Speak. These programs have inherant delays between the broadcast of speach. This causes serious issues if you have multiple people speaking at the same time with increasing feedback and distortions the longer it occurs. This isn't an issue with our recordings as we are using Skype, but it is still a habit that people bring into the recording process from experience with the other programs. It is something that with time we can probably break.

Another issue is how we decide to record the vocal tracks. For episode 1 we recorded everything on to one track. This inherantly makes it more difficult to edit multiple vocal sources with varying levels etc. when they are talking at the same time. This is something we may decide to alter, but it really depends on how much of a hassle it will be to everyone.

Lastly, we are all Lurkers through and through. We like to talk and theorycraft ad nauseum. That will probably not change and even if we do adjust to some of the above issues there will still most likely be long periods of pontification. That's just how the structure of the production is. It may not be for everyone.

A seperate issue you bring up is vidcast/podcast. I definitely view this experiment as a podcast. The only reason that it is primarily going up over YouTube at the moment is because it is simply easier to publish content through that service. Because it is going up on YouTube I feel a semi-responsibility to add in some video content that relates to the discussion in some way. This may be a destracting factor to the main content, but I will probably continue recording video for the Youtube publications. I hope to have basic audio recordings up through iTunes at some point but that requires looking into hosting and things of that nature. It can be a pain.

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RE: Lurker Lounge Podcast - Episode 1 is Live. - by Chesspiece_face - 04-28-2012, 06:42 PM

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