Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
So, I'm finding that I've made my Templar a god when it comes to staying alive.

BUt.... He's not very good at the Dee Pee Ess.

I've been dying lately, because I'm just not killing efficiently. I go through all my pots, I go through all stuff, and in the end, I'm still running for my life, because I'm not doing enough damage. Granted, a fair bit of time passes before I succumb, but I'm just not killing stuff in a timely manner.

I Think I know what the solution is. It's just going to take me some time to get to the solution. I had relied on Accuracy, and as I've leveled, my accuracy raiting/% has stayed the same (my dex wont allow me to up the gem any higher, and I don't have much accuracy on gear), and now I'm just not hitting enough. This means, as I level, and the req's of things get higher, my accuracy is going down, and I'm not connecting.

So I'm planning on getting Resolute Technique... ASAP. I went into Chamber of Sins on Cruel, and I'm just not able to kill enough fast enough to make a dent in several spots (I ran into a room that was double Magic Lich, + Magic Zombies.... That sucked.)

I've also switched to Infernal Blow from Glacial Hammer. At this point, Blow is doing more than Hammer. I'm still using Ice Nova for my AoE.... I'd like to replace that, but I don't feel like I have very good options for AoE at this point.

I have
Lightning Strike (sort of AoE)
Shock Nova (Man... that's underwhelming for melee)
Ice Nova (currently using, just seems to be a little weak, even against mobs that aren't resistant.)
Freezing Pulse (not dedicated AoE, since I generate no Power Charges)
Ground Slam (Maybe? I've never been a big fan of it, but maybe it's time to break it out)
Fire Trap (eh... Not sure if It's worth it. I'm just now getting the hang of traps on my ranger.)
Detonate Dead (I've been having fun with this on a Witch I made... Is it any good at higher levels?)
Firestorm (I'm not a huge fan of the "on mouse pointer" AoE's, but I could try it)
Molten Shell (I've thought about dropping Freezing Pulse for this, it would at least "boost" my current AoE)

And... that looks to be it.

Should I stick with Ice Nova? Swap to Ground Slam? When I hit 45, I will be able to add a +Life on Hit to Ice Nova, which could allow me to live Even Longer I guess, but It wont solve my pitiful DPS. I'm thinking that Resolute Tech is about the only way to go at this point, and it's 4 points away, and It'll probably be levels that get me the points, since I don't seem to see any +skill point quests in Act II that I'm going to be getting to in the near future.
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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 03-11-2013, 05:31 PM

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