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Where do people's forum names come from? - Treesh - 12-05-2004

Occhidiangela,Dec 5 2004, 07:34 AM Wrote:It just dawned on me that we have a Tolkein Chick and a Token Chick.(Treesh)  Was that by design or by accident?  In any event, would hate to break up a set.    :D  As to the UK 'toon, *chortle,*  whatever works.
Just by accident. :) I love little coincidences like that though. :) Edit: Or at least I didn't do anything intentional on my end and I'm assuming Count Duckula didn't do it intentionally either since, as far as I know, we don't know each other. End Edit

BTW, I'm Treesh online because I'm Treesh in real life. I was wearing a green sweater and dark pants and a friend of mine said I looked like a tree so she started calling me Treesh and it stuck. That's the ever-so-exciting ( :whistling: ) story behind my name.

Where do people's forum names come from? - Lucky Barbarian - 12-05-2004


My name is about my best character so far in Diablo II. It's Barbarian, SP. Since my other characters were less lucky, I thought it was a Lucky Barbarian.

Note that I have started playing in Europe Ladder realm this weekend with the same name.


Where do people's forum names come from? - vor_lord - 12-05-2004

Lois McMaster Bujold wrote a series of SF (well, really space opera) novels about Miles Vorkosigan (and family members). My name is derived from this very enjoyable series, where the aristocracy has the prefix 'Vor' to their names.

There has only been one person that recognized the reference in all the years I've used it.

I think it's time for something new but I can't think of anything good that isn't taken :(

Where do people's forum names come from? - AtomicKitKat - 12-05-2004

Sliver_Queen was taken from M:tG, although it was originally referring to Roll(from Marvel Vs Capcom/Rockman/Megaman fame) since she did pixelly damage and was female; it wasn't meant to be me. However, somehow, people got the idea I was female, I was new to the Internet, going through an identity crisis, so I didn't bother correcting them, got busted, semi-abandoned the name(If you Google it, I'm not the blogger, although you might recognise my website based on my writing style)

As for AtomicKitKat, it's a longer story.

After partly abandoning the identity of SQ(that was the contraction I used, which coincidentally, was the initials of my primary school), when I started playing The 4th Coming(MMORPG), I decided I needed a new name, so I mulled it over a bit, decided I liked Takhisis(I liked SSI's Dark Queen of Krynn and Takhisis is a cool name, no matter what), but didn't want too many people thinking I was a girl again. So I flipped it around, and made Sisihkat(An inverse female=male). I got a little sick of people always calling me Sissy Kat though, so when I mucked up and accidentally deleted the character, I changed the name to DeadlyKat(after requesting a re-level from the GM. If you played T4C, the only DeadlyKat other than Quasiworld server that was me was on Arctic or RealMUD I think) I also made a mule named Araitik(Kitiara in reverse) Around this time(2000), the British girl band Atomic Kitten was getting big, and I was somewhat of a fan, so I made another Kat, AtomicKitten. Then I joined a guild, and I couldn't quite fit the guild initials with the name(15 letter limit), so I renamed to AtomicKitty SOA. When the guild dissolved, I changed to AtomicKitKat. Up until a couple months back, I still used AtomicKitty for a MUD, till they imposed a "medieval fantasy-type names only" rule. So yeah, that's the story of my nicks.

Where do people's forum names come from? - Kharohz - 12-05-2004

Kharohz was a randomly typed name of my account and first character ever played in Diablo2: LoD expansion.

I used to be known as some form of "Chaos"... but Kharohz seemed to stick. More original than Chaos.. :D

Where do people's forum names come from? - Count Duckula - 12-06-2004

Occhidiangela,Dec 5 2004, 01:34 PM Wrote:It just dawned on me that we have a Tolkein Chick and a Token Chick.(Treesh)  Was that by design or by accident?  In any event, would hate to break up a set.    :D  [right][snapback]61947[/snapback][/right]

Not by accident, as Treesh said. I saw Treesh's tag and spoofed it. ^_^ If we have a token chick, why not a Tolkien chick? Or for those Escaflowne fans, a Folken chick? (I'm sure there's an outspoken chick out there somewhere...)

Occhidiangela,Dec 5 2004, 01:34 PM Wrote:As to the UK 'toon, *chortle,*  whatever works.

I love British comedy, and Count Duckula and Danger Mouse had two different levels of humor that appealed to kids and adults. It's a great show. Dated in some ways, but it's still a great show.

Where do people's forum names come from? - Yrrek - 12-06-2004

I wish I had a cool story like most of the people that have posted, but mine is simply my name in reverse! oooOOOooo :D Yrrek backwards = Kerry and vice versa.

Where do people's forum names come from? - Treesh - 12-06-2004

Count Duckula,Dec 5 2004, 06:13 PM Wrote:Not by accident, as Treesh said. I saw Treesh's tag and spoofed it. ^_^ If we have a token chick, why not a Tolkien chick? Or for those Escaflowne fans, a Folken chick? (I'm sure there's an outspoken chick out there somewhere...)
*gasp* Oh no! I was wrong! :blush: Imagine that, an assumption proved to be false. Who woulda thunk it? ;) :D

Where do people's forum names come from? - Wyrm - 12-06-2004

Wyrms are a type of dragon, and I've always had a fascination with dragons, so it seemed like a semi-logical choice. Didn't decide to use it as a board name until after playing Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, though. Couple other reasons: was going for a name people wouldn't know me by, since I wanted a bit of anonymity; and wanted someting fresh since my GameFAQs user names were starting to lose their... something...

Where do people's forum names come from? - Refrigerator - 12-06-2004

Wow, I'm surprised that I haven't ever seen a topic like this before. You'd think it'd be one of the first things people would wonder. Anyways.

I'm sure there are a lot of people out there very curious about my name. I'm sorry for disappointing you, it's not a very exciting story. No household appliances fall break or explode in this story.

Once upon a time in about grade 5/6, we were doing this pattern recognition thing. I thoguht I'd be funny or something and say something completely random. Like Refrigerator. Thing is, it caught on. Soon the teacher was a bit annoyed because no matter what it was, someone would say it looked like a fridge. Well, it grew from there, and the upshot is, it's now my nick.

You'd be surprised at how often that name is TAKEN though! :blink:

Where do people's forum names come from? - Minionman - 12-06-2004

Yrrek,Dec 5 2004, 06:21 PM Wrote:I wish I had a cool story like most of the people that have posted, but mine is simply my name in reverse! oooOOOooo :D Yrrek backwards = Kerry and vice versa.

You're John Kerry? <_< What do you think about that U.S. election, huh. :P

Where do people's forum names come from? - Yrrek - 12-06-2004

Minionman,Dec 5 2004, 09:52 PM Wrote:You're John Kerry?&nbsp; <_< What do you think about that U.S. election, huh.&nbsp; :P

I think we should bring back Clinton! (no NOT Hillary!)

Where do people's forum names come from? - swirly - 12-06-2004

I've used swirly for many a year now. I first started using it back in a chatroom somewhere. I needed a nick and so gave a bit of thought to things that I liked. I came up with the british sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf since its my favorite show ever. In the show they have a character who references certain space phenomena as swirly things and when he saw one would declare that there was a swirly thing alert. Thus I took the name swirly.

Of course there is the occasional person who makes a joke about it and toilets. I generally think of those kind of people as people I don't want to be talking to anyway. So its kind of an early warning system. ; )

Where do people's forum names come from? - Lord_Olf - 12-06-2004


I used to post as "Thor" on the old forums, but it turned out that the name was taken when I tried to register it when the Lounge was once again up.

I was in South Korea during that time, and no one was able to pronounce my given name correctly, it came out as something like "Olpu" or "Olfu" - so I decided on Olf, adding the "Lord" as to make people believe that I have good manners, which I don't. So you might as well just call me Olf...

Might have come up with a better idea had my mind not been affected by a few Korean beers and Soju (the local spirit). Ah well...

Take care,


Where do people's forum names come from? - unless - 12-06-2004

I kept outgrowing my nicknames, so I wanted one that didn't actually mean anything. Then I decided that it'd be really funny to have a name that was entirely the wrong part of speech. Kablammo, I'm "unless".

You'd be amazed at some of the theories people have fronted over the years about my nickname.

Where do people's forum names come from? - Drasca - 12-06-2004

Oh my! Fellow Red Dwarf fans too!? Token, Tolkien and Folken escaflowne? You smeeg heeds, pervy hobbit-fanciers and KF-Folken BBQ wing eaters. You're my people!

Drasca is a name I created because I wanted a nasty sounding name related to dragons and draconian. Popped into my head while thinking. It just rolls off my tongue when thinking evil. Draascaaa.. muahaha. Like Nazgul. This kind of reverse iamb just works!

Where do people's forum names come from? - TaiDaishar - 12-06-2004

Nothing fancy here.

I needed a nick to my second coming into the world of Diablo 2 after my first nick has vanished in the abyss and REALLY did not want to recreate the nick I had at the age of 12 so I searched the endless darkness that is my memory and came up with the name TaiDaishar (Tai'Daishar actually).

Tai'Daishar is a name taken from the Wheel of Time series which meant Lord of Glory/Glory Lord in the "ancient" language in the book as well as being Rand Althur's horse, I liked the sound, I liked the irony, it has been my nick ever since.

Where do people's forum names come from? - jahcs - 12-06-2004

TaiDaishar,Dec 6 2004, 07:25 AM Wrote:TaiDaishar (Tai'Daishar actually).

Ah, nothing says fantasy novel like an apostrophe randomly placed in a name.
I read the Wheel of Time series about every other year. If you haven't picked it up yet, I recommend it.

My handle is just my initials (out of order so as to be pronounceable) and a frequently misspronounced portion of my last name.

"Step up to red alert"
"Are you sure? It does mean changing the bulb, sir."

Where do people's forum names come from? - JustAGuy - 12-06-2004

My name comes from the Kids in the Hall's widely disregarded movie, "Brain Candy".

There's one scene where the scientists are working away on the wonder drug, and then finally have a break through. The one scientist stands up, exclaiming, "We did it!". Another guy (I believe it was Dave Foley) cheers, "Yay!". The two other scientists, (I believe they were Mark McKinney and Bruce McCuloch, it's been a while since I've seen it) just look at him for a minute and ask, "Who are you?"

At that point, the unknown guy, in a lab coat no less, says, "Uh... just... a guy." He then turns around and runs away, down a hallway. Classic comedy. My recollection of that particular scene is definitely flawed, but that's the gist of it, and it's where the name comes from.

Where do people's forum names come from? - Scrape - 12-06-2004

Ah, the always refreshing name origin thread.

I have a bunch of names that tie in with my multi-personality issue.

Scrape was one of my first self-inflicted handles. I was always getting injured (and I still am). It also fits nicely with my rambling on torment.

Dalgrak and Gakerd are D&D spawned names I came up with. I like the look, sound, and combination of those letters.

Those are the major ones I used in the Diabloish areas.