Terenas 1/27
I am currently planning on being there. I'm up for most anything, but I know Octord is hurting for his gear set (I think he's the only 60 who didn't get Warlord's Command done in LBRS). If we five man I still need Strat Live (and afterwards Strat dead). We still need to complete a key in LBRS since Yuri is off ninja looting all the uber loot in MC now ;)

Also, Xarhud dinged 50 this past weekend, and it's been my policy to add people to the list if they have 50+ characters that are being actively played. I know he has needs in Maraudon, ZF (maybe just carrot), and ST. Hopefully some night this week some people will be able to help him complete Jintha'Alor, and get some things done Friday night with him as well.

Lurker                Character(s)           Coming?    Preference
Alram           Rogoll       (60 Rogue)        Yes      LBRS/UBRS/Scholo
                Drutar       (55 Druid)
bonemage        Durambar     (60 Warrior)      Yes      LBRS
Concillian      Conc         (60 Warrior)      Yes      5 Man
                Concillian   (60 Priest)
                Concilliane  (60 Rogue)
                Lianne       (58 Warlock)
Gnollguy        Marntruehorn (60 Hunter)       Yes
khgerg          Octord       (60 Warlock)      Yes      5-LBRS,R-StratD/Scholo
gantor          Kosch        (57 Shaman)       ?
PapaSmurf       Dunar        (56 Druid)        No
swirly          swirlytracks (60 Hunter)       Yes      5-BRD, R-LBRS
Treesh          Mogoraindyn  (60 Shaman)       Yes      5-BRD/LBRS, R-LBRS
VoiceMan        Fazuul       (60 Druid)        Late
                Gorkuk       (60 Hunter)
vor_lord        Necrali      (60 Priest)       Yes
Urza-DSF        Jandrey      (57 Warrior)      ?
Xame            Yuri         (60 Mage)         Late
Xarhud          Klaus        (50 Priest)       ?

A big, big bunch of thank you's to everyone who helped me get my Hide of the Wild. It's my first (hopefully not last) purple item. Speaking of that, we need to have a serious discussion about how we go about making a guild alliance so that we can do more than just UBRS. In a couple of months at this rate, we'll have folks pretty well geared up for what we have access to, and personally I'd like to see more if we can swing it. I know Xame is serving as ambassador to NoS, but between NoS and Nightmare Syndicate they are pretty full, only giving invites to other people to fill spots and not letting them get any loot.

I also respecc'ed Necrali this weekend to this Disc/Holy build starter. There are still 8 more talent points to place, and I'm looking for advice and insight from other priests. I am pretty sure I want Martyrdom and Focused Casting. Along with Improved Flash Heal they allow me to put heals where I want them when I want them, but... I might be overstating its usefulness. Given that I now have backup healers to keep myself healed it sure seems useful to still be able to blast out that Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing when I want it.

Note also that this build is looking at 5 man content, and small raids up through UBRS. This spec has no decent cheap DPS option for all those trivial pulls and situations where my damage will speed things along. I'm even kicking around the idea of wand spec for this purpose :o
I unfortunately do not believe I will be there this Friday. It is possible I will make the late run, but I am just not sure what the evening will entail. So naturally, wherever you end up going, some really good druid loot will drop. :P Hopefully I can be there later on, but I won't know for sure til/if I log on.
On the note of guild alliances....I have gotten to know a few people through my copious PvP activities lately, and I can think of about 4 guys I have played with in BG who might be a good addition, if they're able/interested. 60 warrior, 55 warlock....two 60 shamans. I think I'll talk to them a little bit and test the waters there.

Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
I'll be there. Possibly a little bit late, but I'll be there. The all girls deal on Stormrage really should be over in time to make it on time to Terenas fun since it will start 5:30 Terenas time.
Intolerant monkey.
Marn will be there slinging arrows.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Octord will be there.

I still need to 5 man LBRS (to get the Rend quest), Strat Live, Scholo, and DM North. If 5 man is not an option I prefer a raid of Strat Dead or Scholo.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
I will be there this week. I'm quickly running out of gear upgrades, so I have great interest in forming some kind of guild alliance to see additional content. Mastering UBRS is about all that is left without some additional help.

I'd like to continue working on additional UBRS keys, so my preference is for Mogo and Durambar to go into LBRS again soon, as we both have pieces of the key, and we should be able to do that while helping Octord 5 man LBRS, to kill three birds with one stone. I know that LBRS was done last week, so I would also enjoy UBRS, DM Tribute runs or DM West. Wherever people need to go, I'm happy to tank. I think the speed at which we have gotten down the tribute runs, I'd like to do more of those, at least for those that stay up late.

Edit: w00t! This is post number 200.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
vor_lord,Jan 23 2006, 02:00 PM Wrote:Speaking of that, we need to have a serious discussion about how we go about making a guild alliance so that we can do more than just UBRS.&nbsp; In a couple of months at this rate, we'll have folks pretty well geared up for what we have access to, and personally I'd like to see more if we can swing it.

Obviously we have to be careful how this happens. IN the past, I thought of proposing a very carefully worded post on the WoW realm forum. I post there some, not all the time... but a few times a week. The realm forums are significantly less monkey-ish compared to the other WoW forums, and if worded properly, could get the kind of people we're looking for.

My thought was a fairly wordy post describing our maturity level, gameplay style and current instance schedule (basically just Friday night). Pretty in-depth so only those with some sort of attention span would even make it through. A couple of key sentences from the LL 'About Us' page would probably be good, and no information on how to actually join the guild save for a link to the LL and a short explanation that the forums at the LL are where to go for information on how to join would be important.

I thought also that a mention of in-game mail to Lurkers members is not an acceptable way to request guild membership would be good. This way, only those interested enough to go through the LL forums enough to read through MJs posts on membership and rules would actually know what to do.

The problem, of course, is that there are probably only a few people who would be interested enough to go through all that. But those are the people we really want, and the only way I could think of to do something on those forums without opening the floodgates to wankers.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Concillian,Jan 24 2006, 08:47 AM Wrote:The problem, of course, is that there are probably only a few people who would be interested enough to go through all that.&nbsp; But those are the people we really want, and the only way I could think of to do something on those forums without opening the floodgates to wankers.

If I'm reading you correctly, you're talking about careful recruiting. I think your ideas are sound on that topic. I originally was talking about finding other small guilds in a similar situation to ours. Maybe we address both?

VoiceMan started some dialogue with the Lost Souls last night. Initial indicators are good. They have 10 solid regularly attending 60s, and are working on their first UBRS key. They're also interested in doing an alliance. They already raid regularly on Fridays (as well as Saturdays and Sundays) so schedule-wise they seem to be fitting. Together we have enough for ZG and AQ20. I'm hopeful that we can work together. At any rate I think their officers have been referred to our esteemed guild master to discuss possibilities.

(Going to jump the gun in the name of preparedness -- even if this alliance doesn't turn out to be a fit we'll need one sometime). I think I'll PM Bolty about the teamspeak server. I would guess that giving them the password to start raiding with us would be ok -- if we ever run into problems it can be changed. Seeing as we're the only users of the lurkerlounge teamspeak server we'd be the ones to suffer if we let the password out to some wanker (it's been ages since I've heard that word -- reminds me of when I lived in England). But I'll check with Bolty. If he's not keen on it we can always run our own like we were before if we have to.
"Forming an alliance" doesn't mean folks have to join the Lurkers guild though. They can stay under their own banner and still be allied. I've talked to Tal about this a little bit, since he was involved in the starting of the stormrage alliance and I'll have to talk to Darian and someone from House Harpell or Keepers of the Cheese to get some more info on just how it all happened. I don't think we'll get quite as lucky as having someone in a fantastic guild post on the LL here asking for in depth strat advice and then hooking up in game so we'll have to figure out some other way. ;) That's why I want to find out how HH and KotC got involved in our alliance over there.

You guys really deserve to see more content than what's available to us on Terenas right now without feeling like you have to start characters on Stormrage in order to see it. Don't forget about Zul'Gurub too. That will be a bit easier for us to see than the 40 man raids and it may end up being a little "testing" ground to see if potential alliances could work well together. I've been thinking about this a lot the last couple of days. It'd be best to get with a guild that hasn't seen Molten Core a thousand times, has Rag on farm status, beaten things in BWL. Part of the fun is learning the encounters and I definitely don't want us seen as tagalongs - only trying to ally to get the phat lewts without doing any of the prepwork.
Intolerant monkey.
vor_lord,Jan 24 2006, 10:12 AM Wrote:VoiceMan started some dialogue with the Lost Souls last night.&nbsp; Initial indicators are good.&nbsp; They have 10 solid regularly attending 60s, and are working on their first UBRS key.&nbsp; They're also interested in doing an alliance.&nbsp; They already raid regularly on Fridays (as well as Saturdays and Sundays) so schedule-wise they seem to be fitting.&nbsp; Together we have enough for ZG and AQ20.&nbsp; I'm hopeful that we can work together.&nbsp; At any rate I think their officers have been referred to our esteemed guild master to discuss possibilities.
This sounds very promising. I know Fazuul mentioned he may have had some leads from all his PvPing lately. Getting into Z'G with them will definitely show if we can work together and see how bad the loot drama may be. And yes, there will be some loot drama. Expect it. :) It's how we end up handling the loot drama that's important. :)
Intolerant monkey.
bonemage,Jan 24 2006, 09:41 AM Wrote:I'd like to continue working on additional UBRS keys, so my preference is for Mogo and Durambar to go into LBRS again soon, as we both have pieces of the key, and we should be able to do that while helping Octord 5 man LBRS, to kill three birds with one stone.&nbsp;

Mogo only needs the gem from Omokk to have all the pieces so LBRS would be fine and Getting Octord ready to kill rend would be nice. :)

I also vote for BRD to do kill the Emperor and get Fazuul attuned to Molten Core. We had a quickie little bar run set up the other day, but GG and I got too tired to try the Lyceum without strong AoE around so we had to put that on hold and I want to get that done for Fazuul since he came with us with the hope to get Emperor done. That's not the only reason he joined us of course, but I feel badly that he came along and didn't get anything out of it after we cut the run short.
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Jan 24 2006, 09:20 AM Wrote:This sounds very promising.&nbsp; I know Fazuul mentioned he may have had some leads from all his PvPing lately.&nbsp; Getting into Z'G with them will definitely show if we can work together and see how bad the loot drama may be.&nbsp; And yes, there will be some loot drama.&nbsp; Expect it. :)&nbsp; It's how we end up handling the loot drama that's important. :)

I'd like to try and learn from the experiences others have had (i.e. Stormrage) -- try to have an agreed upon loot solution that seems to be fair to all parties. Maybe there are some specific pitfalls regarding loot drama that we can at least try to avoid.

BTW, while it seems I'm getting way ahead of myself already, I think all of these things should be discussed and such whether or not we have a guild alliance imminent or just perhaps some future opportunity.
I would much rather help pave the way and explore on Terenas than anything else. I think we should pursue both courses. I think a carefully worded post on the realm forums is a good idea. I also think we should do all we can to find a matching guild, and pursue the Lost Souls partnership as they seem a very close fit for us. More people that are a good match for us is not a bad thing. With two guilds at the same point in the game, there won't be any tagalongs. Both guilds will play crucial roles in any future success if we team up, and share in our victories. Where are we at on this, Alram? Have discussions started? How can we help?

As one who has about run out of loot that can be obtained UBRS and under, I've been thinking a lot on where I would like to go from here with my goals in the game. Here are my conclusions, and what I've decided, as I think they are relevant to this discussion, especially since some of my choices might be viewed as treachery.

1) I love being a warrior
2) An alt on Terenas has ZERO appeal to me (I already have my dream toon there)
3) I must see some raid content beyond UBRS

My first preference is to advance the Lurkers guild on Terenas through guild alliances, lurker recruiting, an unofficial partner guild headed by a lurker that can openly recruit, or SOMETHING that does NOT compromise the core of who we are. All of us on Terenas have invested a lot of ourselves into our progress. I take great pride in our guild, in how we play, and how we respect and help each other. As much as I want access to purple loots, I am not willing to scrap the culture in our guild. We need to find like minded people, who play well, and enjoy the success of our mates.

As raid content is still an unknown on Terenas, and with the time needed for me to cap a character, I decided to start a new character, a human warrior on Stormrage. He is from an alternate universe, one where Durambar never dies and becomes Forsaken. My undead warrior will be referred to as Durambar and my Stormrage warrior as AU Durambar (AU is for Alternate Universe), though both toons are named Durambar. AU Durambar is plan B, a tagalong on SR so I can see more of the game, nothing more than a tiny drop in a very big and full bucket. Plan A is, and has been since I rolled Durambar, to progress things on Terenas. I hope to cap AU Durambar before the expansion comes out, and have a great time playing with the Lurkers and friends on SR at times, and I hope that he'll be accepted. I have friends there, and have enjoyed being on SR the past few days. I know I'll never matter to the guild there, having started MUCH too late, but I would like see the Onyxia fight, go deep into MC, and perhaps one day see BWL. AU Durambar can never be more than someone who stays in a nice building built by others, a mere tourist. Durambar is a builder, and I want to keep building. Let's push toward ZG and AQ20 on Terenas. Succeeding in those areas will mean so much more to me than anything I could accomplish on Stormrage, because the victories on SR belong to those who paved the roads and built the cities.

I've rambled quite a bit in this post. I plan on having fun and playing well on SR, but I don't ever want to see the guild on Terenas wane or die out. Without getting into new content, my interest there will wane, as I'll have nothing left to conquer or build.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Rogoll will be there. An LBRS run, followed by a UBRS run would be nice. I also still need to continue the Butcher quest line in Scholo. And I still need the shoulder drop from Strat Live.

Quote:Also, Xarhud dinged 50 this past weekend, and it's been my policy to add people to the list if they have 50+ characters that are being actively played. I know he has needs in Maraudon, ZF (maybe just carrot), and ST. Hopefully some night this week some people will be able to help him complete Jintha'Alor, and get some things done Friday night with him as well.
Agh is 49 and has been a dedicated PVP toon. I had been planning to do nothing but AB until he reached 50. (My goals for him in WSG were reached when he became revered there.) However, AB games have been few and far between; often when AB does come up, the Horde is outnumbered and loses. On an interesting side note, I have been in several games wherein we were losing by a few hundred points until Horde latecomers poured in and we wound up winning by several hundred points. But I digress. The bottom line is that I have decided to start Agh questing. He will need Jintha'Alor, ZF
( just carrot is fine), Maraudon, and ST just like Xarhud. That is too much for 1 night! I wonder when Xarhud is online and up for instance runs. And if I can swing it, I'd like to get some of my PVP buddies in on the runs to see what their PVE gameplay is like.

Quote:A big, big bunch of thank you's to everyone who helped me get my Hide of the Wild.
You are welcome.
Let's get in the habit of putting our needs for mats in Guildads, and also checking Guildads when we log in to see what folks need. Please remember to remove your "asks" when your needs are fulfilled.

Quote:VoiceMan started some dialogue with the Lost Souls last night. Initial indicators are good.
Fazuul said he suggested they contact me. So far I haven't heard from them. But the past couple of days I have played Agh, Loca, and Priund so maybe they didn't try to contact the right toon. An alternate approach would be to ask their guild leader if it is all right if I contact him.

I have also initiated some conversations about alliances with a couple of people I PVP with. They were open to the idea, but not high enough in their guild to be able to make a decision. So we shall see.

I am sure we are all of one accord as to what we type of players we'd like to ally with. I do have some questions though that I'd like feedback on.

1. What is the best way to handle loot distribution on a large raid with 2 or more guilds involved?

2. Prior to forming a large raid, is it advisable to do some 5 man mixed runs to see if we are compatible?

3. Some guilds use Ventrilo. Should we take that for a spin so we are familiar with it? I have no idea which is better--Ventrilo or TS, and which is in more common usage.

Quote:IN the past, I thought of proposing a very carefully worded post on the WoW realm forum.
Interesting idea. I fully trust you to do it the right way should you wish to proceed.

Quote:I think I'll PM Bolty about the teamspeak server. I would guess that giving them the password to start raiding with us would be ok -- if we ever run into problems it can be changed. Seeing as we're the only users of the lurkerlounge teamspeak server we'd be the ones to suffer if we let the password out to some wanker
In the past when I was talking with some folks Flash had partied with, I contacted Concillian about using his server for interguild communications and he agreed.

Quote:I'm quickly running out of gear upgrades
Bonemage, have you considered PVP for upgrades? Some of the best warrior equipment comes from PVP.

I have more to say, but this is enough for now.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
Alram,Jan 24 2006, 09:59 AM Wrote:I am sure we are all of one accord as to what we type of players we'd like to ally with. I do have some questions though that I'd like feedback on.

1. What is the best way to handle loot distribution on a large raid with 2 or more guilds involved?

Some form of Zero Sum point system is the best from what I've seen.

We can use assigned point values that the Stormrage alliance uses as a starting point. Point assignment has some flexibility. But the basic is that when a piece of loot drops the system "gains" that many points, but then someone "spends" points on that piece of loot, so the total sum is zero (individual point values may fluctuate between negative and positive values).

Quote:2. Prior to forming a large raid, is it advisable to do some 5 man mixed runs to see if we are compatible?

Something of that sort, yes.

Quote:3. Some guilds use Ventrilo. Should we take that for a spin so we are familiar with it? I have no idea which is better--Ventrilo or TS, and which is in more common usage.

Vetrilo seems a lot more common amongst guilds on Terenas. However, it doesn't have a Linux client and we have members who run the game through Linux and an emulator. I think we should stay with TS for that reason. Windows and Mac users (the vast majority of WoW players) have the flexibility to use either program.

Quote:Interesting idea. I fully trust you to do it the right way should you wish to proceed.

I would never proceed without posting a draft here first. Perhaps I'll work on a draft this week. I figure pulling similar types into our guild is the preferable path.

Quote:In the past when I was talking with some folks Flash had partied with, I contacted Concillian about using his server for interguild communications and he agreed.

That's fine, but I'm not sure it's up right now. I'll have to verify I re-started the server since I've started up that machine, it's been months since I've touched it.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Alram,Jan 24 2006, 10:59 AM Wrote:Bonemage, have you considered PVP for upgrades? Some of the best warrior equipment comes from PVP.
I have more to say, but this is enough for now.
I've looked at the rewards, but the rewards are geared toward PvP and damage based warriors, not protection and tanking. There isn't anything worthwhile for me in PvP. Also, with the rate at which I could gain rank or faction, I would spend MONTHS in a grind which wouldn't be much fun, and yield a piece or two at most. Everything else would be a "for show" or backup piece of gear.

Edit: I enjoyed a little PvP in my younger days with a damage based talent spec, but it's much less fun for me now as a prot warrior. I would also have to give up Friday night PvE tanking with the guild for awhile to make any progress on PvP goals, and that makes it just not worth the time investment for me.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
The talks with Lost Souls are very early, and very limited in their scope. I spent some time whispering to one of their officers while he was doing a Maraudon Run, and I was in AV, so that limited our talk some, but I can say this:

They tried a guild "merge" before, and it was an ugly thing. They do not want a merge. I assured them they would not be "absorbed" into the Lurker guild. What I told them, was we were looking for people like us...good solid players who had a good guild thing going, but weren't able to see some of the higher end content. They expressed they had had similar thoughts, but wanted to be careful about how they proceeded with an alliance, if they did. Sounds like my attitude, so I have no problem with that. The officer I spoke to is familiar with Agh, having spent alot of time in WSG with Agh in recent weeks, and liked how Agh played, so that should be in our benefit. To this point, I don't know if they use Vent or not. I have used Vent recently. It's a little more complicated than Teamspeak, but certainly not difficult to use. It's a free download. It appears to work much like Teamspeak, ie someone will have to host it, and then share password/server information. It appears to be effective. Again, my talks with them have been in the early stages. I know they wanted to talk it over with themselves, and see what the consensus is of their guild, but it appears they share similar hopes for continuing content.

As for my personal stance on this....traditionally I have never wanted to get too involved in the big BWL and MC 40 man raids. I derive the most enjoyment when I feel I'm a needed and neccessary member of the group. I enjoy my role as backup healer/combat rez duty. Fazuul rapidly became my toon of choice over my hunter Gorkuk, mostly due to the fact that I feel more useful to the group as a druid than I did as a hunter. However...my enjoyment of the druid has opened up new things. I now want to take him to places I hadn't worried to much about before. I still doubt I'll ever see places like BWL, but I would like to farm ZG some (if you can use the word 'farm' to describe trips to ZG) and get some nice purples. Should the opportunity present itself to see places like MC and BWL, I would like the chance to go, just to see it. I am looking forward to FINALLY getting Fazuul his epic Frostwolf mount. He's just a tiny bit past halfway between Revered and the needed Exalted status, so he's getting closer. However...the time and work I've been putting into Fazuul, first to level him up to 60, and secondly to work him up to Exalted status with the Frostwolf clan has made me want to continue with Fazuul for some time. I don't like the thought of getting him his mount, and then having to retire him shortly thereafter to roll an alt to have something to do. I'm very interested in the 10-20 man raid content the game has to offer. I have hopes something will work out with another guild who may be interested in the same things, and like us, lack the numbers of regular, solid 60's to make it happen. I also am very interested in the Sinister Rogue Sisters (Ooh and Aah), and our planned group PvP work in WSG for the 20-29 range. But I too would like to see a guild alliance work out for the mutual benefit of both groups.

Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
vor_lord,Jan 24 2006, 08:12 AM Wrote:Seeing as we're the only users of the lurkerlounge teamspeak server we'd be the ones to suffer if we let the password out to some wanker (it's been ages since I've heard that word -- reminds me of when I lived in England).&nbsp; But I'll check with Bolty.&nbsp; If he's not keen on it we can always run our own like we were before if we have to.

Wanker was used due to the usage of the term in the "Welcome to the LL: WoW edition" post by MJ, linking to this site:Don't Write Like a Wanker

Bolty's server is much more capable than mine (as mine is on a 384k up DSL line), and has a larger potential user base. We should probably avoid exposing it when we don't need to. We can use mine for testing out new members or potential alliances in small groups (5-15 man runs). Many fewer people need to be informed if my server password needs changing. I currently have it capped at 10 users, but never really tested performance when full. Theoretically that will soak up a max of ~185k with a 16.4k codec and 10 users, which leaves plenty of room for my own WoW bits to move around. It's possible 15 would still be okay, but if not we could move down to a 12.x codec, which is still decent quality, and stay around the same overall bandwidth usage.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Concillian,Jan 24 2006, 11:30 AM Wrote:Vetrilo seems a lot more common amongst guilds on Terenas.&nbsp; However, it doesn't have a Linux client and we have members who run the game through Linux and an emulator.&nbsp; I think we should stay with TS for that reason.&nbsp; Windows and Mac users (the vast majority of WoW players) have the flexibility to use either program.

As one of the linux users, I have gotten Vent to work on my machine for listening only (I cannot talk, it does not seem to recognize that I have a perfectly good mic). I got it working in case I ever tag along with Yuri in MC or do a PUG with Vent on Terenas.

While Vent seems to be more popular on Terenas, I have done a PUG on a random Teamspeak server as well. Teamspeak is certainly not unknown.

The linux Ventrilo server works fine, there just isn't a client yet, so I'm emulating it.

At any rate, I would much rather see us continue to use Teamspeak if possible.
Concillian,Jan 24 2006, 11:43 AM Wrote:Wanker was used due to the usage of the term in the "Welcome to the LL: WoW edition" post by MJ, linking to this site:Don't Write Like a Wanker

Bolty's server is much more capable than mine (as mine is on a 384k up DSL line), and has a larger potential user base.&nbsp; We should probably avoid exposing it when we don't need to.&nbsp; We can use mine for testing out new members or potential alliances in small groups (5-15 man runs).&nbsp; Many fewer people need to be informed if my server password needs changing.&nbsp; I currently have it capped at 10 users, but never really tested performance when full.&nbsp; Theoretically that will soak up a max of ~185k with a 16.4k codec and 10 users, which leaves plenty of room for my own WoW bits to move around.&nbsp; It's possible 15 would still be okay, but if not we could move down to a 12.x codec, which is still decent quality, and stay around the same overall bandwidth usage.

It has been months and months since I've seen anyone using the lurkerlounge TS server other than Terenas Lurkers. So while I suppose you would want to inform other people if Bolty had to change the password (I think it's unlikely) elsewhere, it really wouldn't matter since they don't use it.

But if Bolty has any hesitation at all we can test out your server, or bonemage can probably get his running again as another alternative.

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