Fire Sorceress
adeyke,Apr 10 2006, 08:18 PM Wrote:Resistances and absorbs come after energy shield, so elemental damage will be really devastating to your mana pool.

My mana will still have 25% resist(which is way higher than what i usually have in hell), and will be absorbing only 55% or so of the damage, so it wont be too devastating to my mana pool, which will be rather large, and be accompanied by insight and holy freeze ;)

Current Progress Report Edit: Just currently passed act 2 hell at level 72 along with a friend's whirlwind barbarian. Resists are poor(-49/-42/-40/-24) I have switched to frostburn gauntlets for their mana boost, from magefist, but have not yet acquired a naj's light plate(using spirit shroud, sazabi's mental sheath helmet, +2 fireskill amulet, +2 sorc +3 meteor orb + visceratuant and +6 fireball leaf on other hand, a manald, a dwarf star, an upgraded nightsmoke, and a silkweave) Stats are 90/25/170/150, and are not modified

Very little problem keeping my mana, I very rarely lose all of my mana, only to unique ghost pack ambushes or the occasional mana burn monster that I don't notice. While normally I can take a good amount of damage, getting jumped by a whole room even, and can still make it out alive(though mercless), I and my merc are pretty much tanks with ~30 battle orders and shout on.(mercenary uses ethereal pierre tombale couant, a duriels shell, and guillaumes face; holy freeze)

Primary problem isn't with staying alive so much as being able to kill enough monsters to not get swarmed, there seems to always be at least 1 fire immune monster type in every area, and some areas(catacombs 2, sometimes random sewer levels) are nearly entirely fire immune. Using any insight that isnt at least ethereal exceptional or elite isn't viable because of this, making it rather tough to find one.

At level 72 I need 1 more point in telekineasis and 9 in fire mastery to fill my original build quota, and have added a side point into enchant to use on party members.(only izual skill quest remains)

Messages In This Thread
Fire Sorceress - by GriffonSpade - 04-10-2006, 01:14 AM
Fire Sorceress - by adeyke - 04-10-2006, 03:20 AM
Fire Sorceress - by GriffonSpade - 04-10-2006, 09:47 PM
Fire Sorceress - by adeyke - 04-11-2006, 01:18 AM
Fire Sorceress - by GriffonSpade - 04-11-2006, 07:48 AM

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