Warlocks and Stormrage Alliance Policies
Alram,Apr 14 2006, 10:11 AM Wrote:1. I finished the level 50 quest. I am wondering which reward item to select. Both the staff and the chest armor would be upgrades, but eventually they will be replaced. The trinket is irreplaceable, but of limited utility. I tend to use the VW very selectively and prefer to have the imp or succubus out.

quest reward
Soul Harvester
118 - 178 Damage Speed 3.30
(44.8 damage per second)
+16 Stamina
Equip: Improves your chance to hit with spells by 1%.
Equip: Increases damage done by Shadow spells and effects by up to 24.
current gear
Sword of Serenity
One-Hand Sword
46 - 86 Damage Speed 2.20
(30.0 damage per second)
+9 Stamina
+4 Spirit

Umbral Crystal
Held In Off-hand
+5 Stamina
Equip: Increases damage done by Shadow spells and effects by up to 17.
Robes of Servitude

quest reward
75 Armor
+15 Stamina
+10 Intellect
Equip: Increases damage done by Fire spells and effects by up to 23.
Equip: Increases damage done by Shadow spells and effects by up to 23.
current gear
Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
55 Armor
+10 Stamina
+17 Intellect

quest reward
Abyss Shard
Use: Casts your Summon Voidwalker spell with no mana or Soul Shard requirements.
Cooldown: 30 min
10 sec cast
current gear
Trinkets--I won't bother listing these. I am an engineer and currently have more trinkets than I use.

2. How much fire resistance should I have before I shoot for MC and BWL (and Ony?)?  Aside from fire resistance and level 60 what else do I need to join these raids?

3. I am currently specced to 31/3(improved imp)/8(heading for Shadowburn).
What do you sugest for an end game build? End game goals for this toon are raiding, only as much soloing as is really needed and some BG. I really would like a build where I can contribute as much as possible to the raid.

My current thoughts are:
a. 31(dark pact)/0/20
b. 30/0/21(ruin) 
c. some sort of combo of the above, but also with 3 points in Demonology for improved imp.
I have a few Stormrage specific questions. Some should no doubt be asked on the Carpe Aurum forums, but I know you guys and don't mind appearing noobish here.

1. On the Carpe Aurum forums there is a board entitled  What is ARP? What is ARC? And how does it matter to me?

2. I have read over the point system on Carpe Aurum.
a.  Where is it posted? During the raid itself?"

So it will be impossible for me to win the 1st item that drops as I will have zero points. How many raids will I need to attend before I have any hope of winning something? Or could it possibly be a case where everyone else already has the same or better, and so I win a lot of stuff and go deep into negative points?

4. What are the usual and customary loot rules for 5 man runs of high level instances?

5. What other questions should I be asking? Incidentally I have read Mirajj's post on raiding published here at the LL.

Thank you for all the help I have been given to date on Stormrage.

Take the trinket. It won't take you long to replace the staff or chestpiece, but that trinket will remain useful even after a hundred days /played on your character.

Don't stress about fire resistance. Don't DE or vendor items you have that include it, but super high values aren't that important for a caster and you'll get a fair amount easily once you start raiding.

There are lots of viable raiding warlock builds each with their own advantages and disadvantages. I used 0/30/21 and was happy with it. Just play to your taste.

I can't answer the stormrage specific questions. Based on my Eonar experience you are likely to obtain at least one epic piece on your first raid, assuming you join an established raiding guild - warlocks are a rare class and hence class-restricted pieces may default to you because all the other warlocks have them (or because they are negative in points, having got pieces defaulted to them in previous weeks). I saw someone get two felheart on their first run and have heard of people getting many more.

It's hard to say what the typical loot rules for 5-man are as several systems are in common use. Perhaps the most common I've seen in PuGs is 'one blue plus class set' - random rolls if you want an item, limit one need win per run plus whatever of your tier 0 drops but there is a lot of variety. I wouldn't worry much about it as if you enjoy raiding and are a new member of an established raiding guild you'll get purples pretty fast - it's arguably easier to complete felheart (all drops in one instance, every boss can drop it, little competition) than dreadmist (drops all over the place, useful to mages and priests as well).


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Warlocks and Stormrage Alliance Policies - by Warlock - 04-14-2006, 12:40 AM
Warlocks and Stormrage Alliance Policies - by Tal - 04-14-2006, 12:50 AM

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