New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
lemekim,Apr 20 2006, 12:36 PM Wrote:Well first, to be clear, I would prefer the new race to be Worgen or some form of Uncorrupted Draenai. Pandaren are not really my cup of tea. However, I still think that it is a viable, if not most viable choice, regardless of my tastes.

Worgen, according to the fake descriptions I've read, really sound neat. Thing is, a Worgen race would pretty much negate Humans as far as class/race selections go, except for Paladins. How many Worgen Rogue or Worgen Warriors would we see after the expansion comes out? When I think about Worgen, though, I think of wolfmen, and what a wolf man can do in terms of combat seems limited. I think of feral attacks, leading me to believe he'd be heavily melee, so warrior or rogue. Could you picture a wolfman standing back and casting? Or healing? What would be nice is if he had a shapeshift form where he'd get a melee boost, making him like the wolf druids in Diablo 2X. That would really screw with class balance though, so I'm thinking Worgen are out of the picture.

As for the Uncorrupted Draenai -- what does an uncorrupted one look like? Probably more plausible, but still unlikely. It's like tossing another gnome race at the alliance, except ugly. I doubt that race would be "attractive" enough to alliance players to get much action.

Quote:Is there anything left that will "blow your mind"?  ...
P.S. Mok'Nathal actually seems a somewhat "surprise" choice. Yes, Rexxar is on Horde side, but hey, Lore twisting and fact-adjustment is what Blizzard loves to do. But a doubtful choice in my mind, given the Rexxar connection and his statement that he is "the last of his people". ...
They kind of look like Orcs, but the crest on the cape and in this picture is unlike any I have seen. Who knows.

Looking at that, it opens the door to a new possibility. These Mok'Nathal are essentially orcs of a different faction. I don't think anything can blow our minds at this point, but personally, I would be entertained if there was an orc faction that allied itself with the humans instead of the warchief. After all, the Orcs and Humans were allied during WC3, but now their alliance has faltered. A seperate faction of orcs, kind of like the Dragonmaw (who are hostile to the Horde) could choose any side they wanted.

As far as messing up the lore, they could just say that their group of orcs were safe when whatever destruction befell their homeworld occurred. They somehow managed to find refuge somewhere. A cop out, but whatever. It's a new 'race'.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*

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New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lfd - 04-18-2006, 11:59 PM
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by JustAGuy - 04-20-2006, 09:21 PM

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