I am vindicated!
They're trying to give Beast a real part now??? :huh:

I used to think it would have been better to do the original team and bring in Woverine for the sequel, but hindsight and a little thought on the matter brought me to the realization that Wolverine was needed for the character interaction aspect. I still don't get Rogue and Storm in the first film though.

Now they talk about bringing furry blue Beastie into the limelight and there's even a mention of Angel . . . :huh:

I fear the cast is getting a little too big for it's own shoes. :(

As for the Sentinels, I hope Jubilee does a bubblegum-stuck-to-the-boot-sole trick with one of them and the sound recordist on this project gets a nice meaty wet crunching splat noise happening. B)
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

Messages In This Thread
I am vindicated! - by WarLocke - 05-17-2003, 04:08 AM
I am vindicated! - by WarBlade - 05-17-2003, 09:18 AM
I am vindicated! - by DralaFi - 05-17-2003, 11:49 AM
I am vindicated! - by TwIsTeDiRoN - 05-17-2003, 12:23 PM

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