Onyxia key quest line progress - Terenas
I see that list and it always leaves something out that I feel should be in there:

Into LBRS - Kill 3 bosses (Wyrm, Omokk, Voone)
Orgrimmar - Talk to Thrall
Into UBRS - Kill Rend
Orgrimmar - Listen to Thrall

Desolace - Talk to Rexxar
Western Plaguelands - Talk to Myranda the Hag
Into UBRS - Collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes
Western Plaguelands - Turn in to Myranda the Hag

Dustwallow Marsh - Emberstrife's Den
Winterspring - Skull of Scryer
Swamp of Sorrows - Skull of Somnus
Tanaris - Skull of Chronalis
Dustwallow Marsh - Emberstrife's Den
Wetlands - Skull of Axtroz
Dustwallow Marsh - Emberstrife's Den

Desolace - Talk to Rexxar
Into UBRS - Kill Drakkisath
Desolace - Return to Rexxar (GET KEY!)

You can't get the quest to kill Axtroz till you've turned in the other 3 quests. This means you get 3 trips to Dustwallow. Since the line has all the back and forth with Thrall and Rexxar I feel it should have all the back and forth with Emberstrife in it too.

I've seen that list 3 or 4 times so I'm guessing it's being copied and pasted by people form some source but I don't know where the source is so that I can fix it. :)

Anyway Marn is keyed if you want to track that.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Onyxia key quest line progress - Terenas - by Kevin - 07-20-2006, 04:48 PM

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