BC Beta: Broken Tooth removed since the last patch ?
I'm currently on the "Burning Crusade" beta (server "Nagrand"), and am playing a Blood Elf Huntress (currently level 37).

Level 37 is the level where a hunter may wish to tame the fast 1.0 attack speed cat "Broken Tooth", a rare cougar in the Badlands, as most people know. So, I took my copied level 60 Warlock three days ago (when the beta was still in patch and seached the three main spawn spots for "Broken Tooth". It took me five minutes to find him, because this is a beta test server where the Badlands are completely empty. You don't see any young hunters there camping for him, nor do you see level 60+ hunters, because those are already trying the new Outlands pets. My huntress, by the way, is the highest level new huntress on "Nagrand" at the moment, and able to tame him, so he should be always there unless some jerk decided to kill the most rare spawns possible on the BC beta servers;)

Three days ago, when my Warlock found "Broken Tooth", my Huntress was still level 34 though, so that I had to wait till yesterday when she reached 37. I logged in again with my Warlock to loacte "Broken Tooth" quickly, and to my surprise, he wasn't there anymore. The new patch was already active at that time. I thought it must have been just bad luck, and so I continued my search once every hour. 24 hours have been passed since then, and I've been looking for "Broken Tooth" in the whole Badlands now - not just the three known main spawn points - but he seems to be gone.

I'm asking myself if Blizzard removed him due to balance issues, but then they could simply normalize his speed once you've tamed him, can't they? A new pet model for "Broken Tooth" seems unlikely too, because he could still spawn with the old model in the meantime. Last but not least, they could have changed his spawn time significantly, but it seems rather unlikely as well in my opinion.

"Broken Tooth" is certainly the #1 anti-caster pet so far. If anyone here has any definitive info as to what happened to this pet, I'd be glad to know.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller

Messages In This Thread
BC Beta: Broken Tooth removed since the last patch ? - by nobbie - 11-01-2006, 12:35 PM

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