NHL Playoffs Thread
DeeBye & I debate this topic annually: Fighting v. Thuggishness in the NHL. We agree that fighting is OK, a necessary element to be inserted at appropriate times in the game. Where we disagree is what behaviour constitutes making a player a thug, goon, or cheap-shot artist.

Brad May is all of the aforementioned.

The scene: last minutes of Game 4 in an NHL playoff series. The Anaheim Ducks are losing. The Ducks, up 3-0 in the series, should simply shrug and say, "See you guys at our place..." Instead, as typical of a losing team in a playoff game, they are out to 'send a message' about what's to come in the next game. Chippy play escalates to the point that fights begin to break out. The Wild's Brett Burns wipes the ice with the Ducks' Corey Perry. With less than 2 minutes to play, the Wild's Adam Hall and Ducks' Kent Huskins go at it. Before it can be settled, Anahein's Thorton crashes in, drawing a third-man penalty.

Brad May drops his gloves and goes hunting. The Wild's Kim Johnsson happens to be the closest, doesn't have his gloves off (can't remember him ever getting in a fight), and before Johnsson can react, May bashes in his grill with a wicked sucker punch. Johnsson crumples to the ice with a concussion, May gets a match penalty, and now, a lame 3-game suspension.

He's a former Canuck, so I hate him already, but he's also a repeat offender. He reportedly had a 'bounty' out on Steve Moore, the Avalanche player who got his neck broken by Todd Bertuzzi. He should get a 365 day suspension.

May's a five-minutes-a-game fourth-line alledged tough guy. Johnsson's the Wild's #1 D-man, logging 24 minutes a game. What say, come Game 5, Boogaard goes out and cold-cocks Pronger or Niedermeyer??

I personally think Carlyle & Lemaire should rip off the ties and duke it out to settle the matter. Yeah, Randy was a Norriss trophy winner once upon a time, but he looks fat and puffy now. Jacques will pound his fat arse into centre ice circle....


Messages In This Thread
NHL Playoffs Thread - by SpazBear - 04-19-2007, 04:24 AM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by Munkay - 04-19-2007, 04:41 AM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by DeeBye - 04-19-2007, 05:43 AM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by SpazBear - 04-19-2007, 04:33 PM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by SpazBear - 05-08-2007, 02:02 PM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by DeeBye - 05-08-2007, 05:46 PM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by SpazBear - 05-09-2007, 10:18 AM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by DeeBye - 05-10-2007, 05:37 AM
NHL Playoffs Thread - by SpazBear - 05-10-2007, 06:08 PM

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