Virtual Terrorists, or Killing two birds with one stone
Yes, that's right, Rupert Murdock's Newscorp is back at it again. Only this time they aren't just drudging up fear about masses of radical islamic terrorists banging on our doorsteps. According to This article they may already be here! In a much more insidious form than ever! *cue ominous music* VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!

I'm guessing that the majority of the readership of The Australian either knows so little about the games mentioned that they will not know that practically everything said about second life in the article is a flat out LIE or that they are so conditioned to be fearful that it doesn't matter what the content of the article says. Maybe they should just cut production costs and release a one page paper that just says "Terrorists... Be Afraid" over and over again.

Here's a choice excerpt from the article:

Quote:Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre in Canberra, says terrorists can gain training in games such as World of Warcraft in a simulated environment, using weapons that are identical to real-world armaments.

I guess next week there will be a report coming out telling us to forget about the duct tape and start instance grinding for our L33t epics so we can fight off the terrorists.

On the up-side however now we will know when the terrorists will strike, we just have to listen for "LEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEENKIIIIINS!!!"

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Virtual Terrorists, or Killing two birds with one stone - by Chesspiece_face - 08-02-2007, 12:33 AM

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