Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni
I still believe there are non torture interrogation techniques that can generally get you all the actionable information you are going to get and that torture is generally not effective for good info. There are exceptions, but I'd rather not worry about them.

I'd be much happier knowing my government doesn't toture, at all. I remember in basic when the Geneva convention came up and another private asked the drill why we have to follow it if our enemies don't. The reason is so that we aren't just pretending to uphold a higher form of justice than our enemies but that we really are. I know the moral high ground can get you and others killed while if you don't take that route you can save lives. But I also got indoctrinated at a young at that just being a citizen of this country means you may have to pay that price because we believe in that high ground. It was supposed to be one of the things I could believe was great about this country.

I can also agree that torture and reasons that you may want to use it is not a black and white issue either, I would still rather see us stay out of the grey regardless.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni - by Kevin - 05-01-2009, 04:10 PM

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