Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni
Quote:This is a lawyer reading the law and telling someone how close to the edge they can walk without being convicted of a crime by the ICU.

Nonsense. This is a lawyer providing "color of law" for torture by claiming that anything which does not involve pain similar to organ failure and death is not torture. The purpose of those memos was not to provide advice, it was to provide legal cover for the adoption of "aggressive" interrogation methods by the Bush administration.

Quote:That is what I meant when I said, "I think the administration painted the grey area about as far as you can go without being definitely illegal." And... this is your opinion?

And what is your opinion? Do you think, just to be specific, that the CIA tortured Khalid Sheik Mohammed, or not?

Quote:The CIA is center stage on this one, with the tacit backing of the Bush Justice Department, although torture via rendition has been practiced by all of our allies including Canada and the UK

The CIA clearly had explicit backing from the Bush Justice Department. But it's interesting how quickly you jump from "the CIA is center stage" to "torture has been practiced by Canada and the UK" without acknowledging in between that the the US has tortured people.


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Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni - by Thecla - 06-03-2009, 12:46 AM

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