Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni
What would Cheeses do?? . . . . . . (ramble)
Quote:There is little denying in that, except that the Netherlands are not part of Scandinavia, and that tofu can taste decent if properly prepared. But yes, we Dutch are pretty good in making profits from all sides in a conflict, and getting away with it. Always have been. We even started a few wars here and there, to make sure that business goes on, in times when other nations still worried about religious relics and such.
Don't forget many of us went to America to make our fortunes. Okay, so our kids married non-Dutch, but some of us still have the Dutch names.

My great-grandparents referred to themselves as Hollanders, to distinguish themselves from the "Pennsylvania Dutch" who were German. Americans couldn't hear "Deutsch" (sp?) without thinking Dutch, so the Pa. Germans became Dutch in Americans' minds. (Evidently geography is still a problem for many Americans.) Also, I've heard some people say that Hollanders were a touch snobby and believed Holland to be the most refined part of the Netherlands, so that may also be why Hollanders would prefer not be called Dutch.

If you look at an old map of New York, you may see the spelling "Brooklijn". I'm not sure how the Dutch would spell "Dodgers". First the British took New Amsterdam away, renamed it New York, then insurgents took it back, then the British imperialists invaded it again, insurgents take it back, the citizens send soldiers to fight a civil war and some international wars, a giant ape terrorizes it, and then it's attacked twice by religious zealots. Your typical 400 year history.

If we are talking food, the Dutch are winners over Americans when it comes to the important stuff: cheese. The best U.S. cheese, Monterey Jack, has heavy Spanish influence. The only other U.S. cheese to be recommended is Wisconsin Sharp Cheddar (also white cheddar). It is not surprising that "American Cheese" is not cheese at all, just a mass of orange chemicals made to taste good on a burger (as opposed to tasting good to a burgher?? HAW HAW *snort*). Of course, the English do slightly better than the Dutch in cheese matters, for who can outdo a Stilton? Not even the French.

If you are talking about Scandinavia and food, and you have no fish, then you don't know what you're talking about.

--van der diablo

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Should civilized nations use "Enhanced Interrogation" techni - by Vandiablo - 06-03-2009, 07:07 AM

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