School spies on kids through student laptops
Quote:Now having the math class teach how to use the calculator/program I can deal with, to an extent. It would me that calculator is rarely ever out, and should never be allowed a test still. I still think that is better taught in the domain of whatever the application of the language of mathematics is for, but I understand the practicalities that would want it taught in the math class.
When I went to school this was solved by having everyone doing two math exams, one for pure math skills where every type of tool except a pen, an eraser and a piece of paper were banned. The other was problem solving with calculators allowed, it was primarily about analysing each situation and presenting the solution in a structured manner, but getting a wrong result would still count against your score.
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School spies on kids through student laptops - by roguebanshee - 02-24-2010, 08:38 AM

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