Noticed something with King Leoric.
(04-26-2010, 02:53 AM)Foxhound3857 Wrote: From what I've noticed, Leo has two AI's.

#1: Passive AI: Leo will take the most direct route to get to you. Leo will show varied degrees of waiting and patience, and sometimes you can get him in a position where he will not make a move for as long as 15 seconds. This is a great opportunity for the Rogue to bring him down, as long as she's careful not to get caught off guard when he starts moving again.

#2: Aggressive AI: When Leo gets within range he will circle around the targeted hero, constantly on the move, not allowing an attack. When he closes enough distance he will beeline directly for the targeted hero, and when enough distance is gained he will start circling again. It's almost impossible for the Rogue to attack while he's doing this.


You probably know me as terry from the freshmeat forums. I think Galbraith has given a good explanation about the supposed hit probability you are getting.

For my solo IM warriors, the total hits I land can vary from 9/10 to 1/10. No matter what way you square it, 50+20+9+60/2-70 = 39% hit (I have 60dex by clvl9) vs Leoric is somewhat unreliable without someone to back you up. In the event that I end up draining a full belt with leoric appearing to leech back more that he is getting damaged, I just park him (It is possible with enough room cleared) and come back later. Probably makes no difference, but at least I can stop clicking the mouse so much, and standing ground would have just increased his life. I applied this technique in two games, losing 12 pots or so in the first engagement, then retreating and killing him in the second engagement, consuming 4 pots.

I apply the same tactic that I use against balrogs for leoric. The key is to stand next to a wall so that when he reaches the wall, he is forced to "beeline" directly towards you. You then shoot him when he reaches the wall. Of course leoric is much faster than a balrog, so allow for enough time to move away. The "agressive" mode can last for quite a while, so you may as well attempt to curb his normal regeneration, then let loose when he decides to go to "passive" mode. I would rather not let him regenerate freely for who knows long at 10ยท14/64 = 2.1875 HP/sec (refer to section 5.1 of JG for the formula) after I have dealt considerable damage from a previous "passive" mode.

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RE: Noticed something with King Leoric. - by maht1 - 04-27-2010, 03:18 PM

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