Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 casting call.
Tentative list of players-

Roland - Torchlight 2/Diablo 3
MonTy - Torchlight 2/Diablo 3
Crushar - Torchlight 2
Treesh - Diablo 3 (possible)
Zarathustra - Diablo 3 (possible)
Frag - Diablo 3
Ziig - Torchlight 2 (???)/Diablo 3 (???)
Occhidiangela - Diablo 3

So far this is a strong core group to work with. If schedules are workable we could form full groups for both games with these players. This doesn't mean that lineups are set, however, so if other people think they may be interested definitely sign up.

Right now I am just waiting for a set release date for Torchlight 2. When that is announced I will contact anyone that has expressed interest in that game so we can all get online and do some recording/audio tests. Anyone that signs up or has already signed up leave a note in your post if you are uninterested or unable to participate in audio commentary (like I mentioned above this doesn't exlude you from participating), it will probably be more important that you can at least listen to others on skype/mumble than have access to a mic.

Prior to that it would be great for anyone that is interested it doing this to take some time to check out other Let's Play series on YouTube to get a feel for what might play out. The videos I have been putting out so far can be found in the link in my sig. Other series that I've been watching are: AvidyaZen, TotalBiscuit, and Kevin's stuff.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 casting call. - by Chesspiece_face - 09-11-2011, 12:17 AM

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