Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind?
OK, two more quick questions:

1) Wakim's Game Improvements increases the needed stats to join/advance in factions. In the plugins readme, he lists the basic stats you need to join. My problem here is that my mage-type character is best suited (roleplaying-wise) to House Redoran out of the three houses, but I don't want to pour time into them if I won't be able to experience them fully (due to having to keep my intrinsic spellcasting abilities relatively high). Does anyone know any ballpark figures of what stats I might need to 'finish' their quests with WGI installed?

2) If I don't go with Redoran, the next logical choice for a House would be Telvanni, as their requirements are also my strengths. But their outlook on life doesn't especially jibe with mine. If I were to join them, would I be facing only death-and-destruction, let's-take-more-slaves quests, or would there be a way to adjust the House's policies to a more moderate standing? I'm not really comfortable with slavery. <_<

Ideally, the Nerevarine should be able to show the inhabitants of Vvardenfell that a Cyrodiilic presence can be tolerated and maybe even helpful (Blades, Guild of Mages), but that their history and customs need not be supplanted by the Imperials (Tribunal Temple, House Redoran). Whether I can pull it off or not is a whole 'nother story...
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind? - by WarLocke - 10-27-2003, 02:41 AM

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