Hearing about Fallout 3 made me sad.
I stumbled across an interview with one of the lead designers of Fallout 3 the other day (unfortunately, I neglected to bookmark it; I'll try to find it again), which angered me because it was apparently so close to being done when BIS was downsized to a "brand" (it was stated in the interview that the game engine was 95% done, dialogue 75% done, nearly all maps done, etc).

Then I found this game in development. It sounds like a Fallout clone (and heck, one of the screenshots is a rip off of the Rio Grande encounter in Fallout!), but if it manages to deliver a halfway-decent story and/or gameplay, and fun turn-based battles (turn-based is a big selling point for me, I can't play the OMG twitch hurry ZERG RUSH! type games), it may be worth looking into.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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Hearing about Fallout 3 made me sad. - by WarLocke - 01-10-2004, 05:06 AM
Hearing about Fallout 3 made me sad. - by NiteFox - 01-12-2004, 06:43 PM

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