trang ouls on a non-sorceress/non-paladin
adeyke,Jan 26 2004, 03:07 AM Wrote:I don't have such a list handy, no.  However, I'll make one now...
Ah, very interesting, thanks. Here's a partial anotation...


Widowmaker (+3-5 Guided Arrow)
Dragonscale (+10 Hydra) (Paladin only shield)
Flamebellow (+12-18 Inferno) (2h sword; 2h forced for all but Barbarian)
Wolfhowl (+3-6 Werewolf, +3-6 Lycanthropy, +3-6 Feral Rage) (Barbarian only helm)
Frostwind (+7-14 Arctic Blast) (2h sword; 2h forced for all but Barbarian)


Call to Arms (+2-6 Battle Command, +1-6 Battle Orders, +1-4 Battle Cry)
Enigma (+1 Teleport)
Kingslayer (+1 Vengeance)
Passion (+1 Zeal, +1 Berserk)
Chaos (+1 Whirlwind) (Assassin only claw)
Beast (+3 Werebear, +3 Lycanthropy)


Trang-Oul (+18 Fire Ball with 3 items, +13 Fire Wall with 4 items, +10 Meteor with 5 items, +3 Fire Mastery with complete set) (Fire Mastery necro only, necro shield completes)


From this we see that, using weapon switch, a Paly can be a "master of fire": Fire Ball, Fire Wall, Meteor, Hydra and Inferno. He would presumably have to rely on Fire Facet jewels for "fire mastery", however. (edit: clearly such a Paly should wear infernostrides, to proc Blaze :D )

Although "aura flashing" is supposed to be obsolete, I doubt that the underlying mechanic doesn't allow one to get Conviction on one's enemies most of the time, while casting those fire skills that are right mouse action only. Some probing of how it actually works, serverside (avoiding the LCS™, which isn't very good at showing true Aura state, imo), might be in order.

Widowmaker is quite nice. I'd not known of/considered it when advising a high level Necro on their options for tagging DXPP™ with PMH reliably (in combo with Hwain's belt, Blackhorn's Face or Nature's Peace, of course). I'll have to go see what it would cost me to add one to my collection, via trading.
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trang ouls on a non-sorceress/non-paladin - by Crystalion - 01-30-2004, 05:09 PM

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