What's the most impressive machine ever built?
It isn't impressive today, but about ten years ago or so, when a "normal" 'puter was a 386 or 486 with at most 4 meg of RAM, and RAM cost around $80/meg, I had occasion to order in 4x16 meg SIMMS for a few upgrades.

The upgrades couldn't be done immediately, but the RAM had to be tested in case it was defective. Most wholesalers only give a few days to return DOA product.

So, I stuck it all in a machine I was building. With 64 Meg RAM in a Win 3.11 machine, I set up Windows on a temporary D: drive. Then I butchered it so it would fit on a 16 Meg ramdisk, and zipped it to the main hard drive.

When the machine booted, I had it create a ramdisk as drive D: and unzip the Windows install to it. It was faster to unzip one large file from the hard drive than to copy a bunch of individual files.

It really was the most awesome Windows machine at the time.


Messages In This Thread
What's the most impressive machine ever built? - by channel1 - 09-10-2004, 09:58 PM
What's the most impressive machine ever built? - by Guest - 09-14-2004, 11:27 PM

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