Sketching in galleries and museums?! The nerve!
Thanks for the emails and the clarification ShadowHM :)

What blows my mind is something as simple as sketching is not allowed, in a day and age where digital cameras can easily be snuck in and within a matter of moments a very high quality image can be taken.

Granted this is not allowed either if sketching isn't, but if some one were to be using sketches of pieces of art for profit, I'd think they'd steal some pictures and work from them later, completely bipassing the 'copyrite security measure.'

I've taken my fair share of art courses and art history courses, and understand the importance of being able to sketch the piece in person. It's a shame that our greed is getting in the way of sharing great art.



Messages In This Thread
Sketching in galleries and museums?! The nerve! - by Munkay - 01-20-2005, 11:10 PM

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