How to Win Friends and Influence Priests
I come from the opposite end of the spectrum. I play a warrior (after a year of playing a healbot, sorry, White Mage in Final Fantasy 11) and it's interesting to see how it is for the other half of the party's defensive line. Your logic is solid, and I just have a few questions/additions.

Power Word: Shield. I love this skill, and it's great that Priests can spam it on a warrior in its improved form. That doesn't mean they should. Warriors gain a small amount of rage from being hit, and while it's not a lot (especially right now, with Parries and Blocks bugged so that they give the warrior no rage, thus making Deflection and Shield Specialization actually hurt you in a small way), it adds up when there's >1 monster on the warrior. So, save spamming PW:S for that crazy mage that feels like nuking the night away.

I'm curious about how the warriors you group with keep agro on multiple targets. Do they use AoEs such as Demoralizing Shout and (if they took talents for it) Piercing Howl? I know that's my current method, but it doesn't seem to work as well as I'd like, especially if the party seems hell bent on not focusing on one target. Howl also has the benefit of locking down runners, and therefore I try to reapply it within its 6 second duration. Still, I'm not holding hate as well as I'd like. Do you have any advice?

The other thing I want to ask is your thoughts on backup tanks and backup healers. I know you've given bits of your opinion in regards to them thus far (mainly, that backup tanks existing to save the priest is a useful role, and that a secondary healer can screw things up with overhealing), but I'm curious what you think of secondary tanks as regards to them being more useful for holding agro on a large number of targets, or less useful because they require you to alternate heals between two targets. I'm also curious what you feel about a backup healer, be it a druid, a shaman, or even another priest (likely shadow) for when things go wrong and more healing than you can provide is required.

That about sums up all I can ask/provide. I'm only 33 at this point, so while I've seem a good amount of the game's instances (horde side up to Razor Fen Kraul and Gnomereagan), I haven't seen them all, and I'm curious, as a shield using defense focused warrior, where to go from here. I may not need to worry about, say, finding healers (I'm good friends in real life with two even leveled Shamans and a Priest), but I do want to know how to care for them.
Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children, is increased with tales, so is the other.

"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon

Messages In This Thread
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 04:42 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 04:47 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Thawwing Light - 02-22-2005, 05:03 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 07:02 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 07:35 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-23-2005, 04:07 AM

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