I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
Doc,Apr 15 2005, 02:11 AM Wrote:I agree Shadow. And when that day comes, when businesses become responsible for satisfying the customer, I will toss my jammer into the Reedy River.


"Until everyone conforms to my view I'll continue to impose it as I see fit".

Basically you've found a magic button that will let your impose your view that "there's no excuse for a cellphone here", and you have seized it with both hands. You may give priority to the peace and quiet of your dinner over anything else, but someone else may have, in their eyes, a better reason to have that cell phone on than your reason to want it off. Ever gone to a restaurant or a cinema with a doctor?

I really don't care about Redneck Central. Your beef with people screaming at inappropiate times is the same wherever it's their brats, their cellphone, or their dim-witted companion. Beef with I most definitely agree with. And getting the manager of the establishment to do something about it is most definitely in line.

Making the decision for everyone else of what's acceptable and what's not with a sledgehammer is, quite frankly, equally rude.

Messages In This Thread
I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Walkiry - 04-15-2005, 09:14 AM

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