I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
Easy. (If I can do it, a mute pig with the intellect of a less clever pig can do it.)

The PC bit:
1. Download the midi of you choice. (such as Final Fantasy.)
2. Open the midi-file with the audio-editting programme of your choice. (Finale, Studio XP, etc)
3. Make the changes you want. (tempo, transposing, added percussion, less percussion, other types of percussion, removed percussion (if you're a sadist), cropping out the bits you want for your ringtone, etc.
4. Save the file onto your computator.
5. Upload it to your own domain

The mobile phone bit:
6. Go online with your mobile phone.
7. Go to the address where you put your midi.
8. Select it and download onto your mobile phone.
9. Select it as your ringtone.
10. Ring ring!

(Can also be done with background images for your mobile phone.)

Purchasing ringtones and background images are for suckers! :)

Not only is the process I just described free, you get to customise your ringtone exactly the way you want it, and it's also a soothing creative outlet. If you were a Sim®, your Creativity Bar® would be all green.

edit: this is the song I used:
Fast forward to 0:54. That's the part I was talking about (the piccolo flute.)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

Messages In This Thread
I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by [wcip]Angel - 04-16-2005, 09:36 AM

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