Portal free on steam until the 24th.
(05-14-2010, 04:14 AM)kandrathe Wrote: Maybe you don't understand Steam.

I friggin' LOVE Steam. I first installed it when a buddy of mine bought The Orange Box and had a free copy of Half Life 2 to give to someone with a Steam account, so I gave it a shot. Free HL2, woohoo!

Then I found an offer that allowed me to get some HL2 stuff (I think it was Lost Coast, Episode 1, and something else) if I owned either a Nvidia or ATI videocard. They were different games for each card, so I logged into Steam on my two computers which each had different cards and claimed all of the free games. Once they were added to my Steam games list, it didn't matter which computer I played them on since they were tied to the account and not the computer.

I also LOVE how I can install/re-install games at my leisure and not worry about installation disks or CD-keys, and the fact that Steam auto-updates things silently. Steam is a great service.

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RE: Portal free on steam until the 24th. - by DeeBye - 05-14-2010, 09:54 PM

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