Looking for information on nova spell bolt distribution
From Jarulf's guide, nova releases a total of 92 bolts from the caster. I am trying to find out how many bolts are concentrated in each of the tiles adjacent to the caster.

Attika did some testing in the past which showed the spell's dead zones (http://thedsfcommunity.yuku.com/topic/23...ones-quot-). From this, I am guessing that the 92 bolts are not evenly concentrated among the 8 adjacent tiles to he caster, perhaps it is more concentrated on the tiles below the caster.

I remember there was an old site which explained how all the lightning based spells worked, though I cannot remember the link. If anyone can shed some light on this let me know.

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Looking for information on nova spell bolt distribution - by maht1 - 08-20-2011, 05:51 AM

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